Gratitude (Cyrus X Reader)

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It was a calm, blissful morning in Entera Forest. You had decided to take your Pokemon out for some fresh air. You had been chosen by Shaymin to be it's trainer, and you loved that Pokemon with all your heart.

Your Garchomp, (favorite Sinnoh starter), Luxray, and Togekiss were playing in the opening near you. Shaymin was snuggling close to you in your lap. You let out a content sigh, stroking Shaymin gently. You felt so content, relaxed, and at peace. "I didn't expect to see you here (y/n)" a familiar voice called. You looked over to see Cyrus approaching you. He wore his usual Team Galactic uniform which still always baffled you. Team Galactic reform was almost a year ago, and they still wore those weird space suits.

"Just came back from work?" You asked, watching your partner sit beside you. You've been dating for about a month now. Cyrus was still unsure about certain affectionate customs. So you both decided to take it slow. Cyrus looked over at Shaymin before replying. "Yes, I decided to take off the rest of the day. Saturn can take over for the time being."

You smiled, watching Cyrus reach over and pet Shaymin. The gratitude Pokemon looked up at the Galactic Leader, smiling contently. It leaping from your lap into his, causing Cyrus to sit there. Mouth agape, completely caught off guard. Shaymin called at Cyrus happily. Cyrus only blinked for a moment, before hugging the legendary Pokemon. A small smile on his face.

You felt your heart melt, they looked so happy together. Shaymin stayed in Cyrus' embrace for some time, before it jumped out of his lap to join the other Pokemon playing. They all began to play together, cheering happily at the fun they were having. You watched them when you heard Cyrus sigh. Turning your attention back to the Galactic Leader, you saw his sad expression.

You scooted closer to him, wrapping your arms around him. He stiffened, looking over at you. His powder blue eyes softening at your gaze. He soon pulled you closer to him, hugging you gently. "Your so good to me (y/n)" he said softly, looking into your soft (e/c) eyes. He then leaned in and kissed you, pulling you flush against him.

You melted into the kiss, kissing him back. Entangling your fingers in his his spikey powder blue hair of his. Causing him to softly sigh against your lips. You felt a warm feeling bubble up in your chest, the drive for more of his affection. You deepen the kiss, your tongue darting out to lick his lips. Causing him to gasp, allowing your tongue to enter his mouth. He tasted so good, your tongue wrapping around his.

After his initial shock had passed, Cyrus sheepishly kissed you back. His tongue exploring your mouth, tasting you. He obviously liked it, for he let out a soft moan and kissed you harder. The kisses began to become more passionate and feverish, both of your hands exploring each other. You gently coax his jacket off of him, your hands eagerly slipping under his shirt. He shivers at the sudden contact, as you enjoy the touch of the soft tender skin of your lover.

You heard him moan as you straddle his lap. The heat between your bodies steadily growing between you. After a few more minutes of passionate kissing, you both pulled away to breath. Gasping for breath as you both stared at one another. Your lips were bitten red, hair ruffled, clothes slightly disheveled, and chests heaving.

Once Cyrus caught his breath he laid down, pulling you onto his chest. Letting you snuggle your face into the crook of his neck, causing him to hum contently. "I love you (y/n).... so much" be breathed. Running his fingers through your (h/l) (h/c) hair. Making you sigh in contentment, closing your eyes. "I love you to Cyrus."

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