More Than That (Ghetsis X Reader)

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You stare, utterly defeated as your last Pokemon feints. You tried so hard to defeat this.... this foolish child! Hilbert was his name? Whatever his name was, he sure looked proud of himself. For he laughed at you, taunting you. "You grunts are always the same. Weak and foolish, following orders without a care who they hurt." You withdraw your feinted Pokemon, starring at the floor. You were ashamed, so guilty. You had one job, and you fucked up!

You are ripped from your thoughts as Hilbert shoved you to ground. You looked up at him as he starred you down. "Pathetic" he spat, kicking you in the stomach. "Now where is Ghetsis?" He demanded, standing over you. You didn't say anything, you failed your Lord already. However, that didn't mean you would tell him anything.

Hilbert got impatient and kicked you again, causing you to moan in pain. He then grabbed your shirt collar, holding up your face so it was inches from his. "I will ask again. Where is Ghetsis?!" He demanded. Eyes burning into yours, igniting fear into your heart. You refused to tell him, but that didn't mean you weren't afraid of what Hilbert was going to do to you.

"HEY RAT!" A voice pierced the air, causing both of you to turn. It was Ghetsis, and he was furious. You have never seen him so mad in your life. You were scared of his wrath, praying he would not unless on you but Hilbert. You were to scared to move as Hilbert released you. Going towards Ghetsis, pulling out his pokeball.

"Leave my grunts alone, you have no right to be here!" He roared, sending out his Hydregon. You finally gathered the strength to get up and run. You just wanted to get as far away as you could. Tears burning your eyes as you fled.

Ghetsis PoV

I was furious. How dare this foolish brat come here and mess with my plans, my grunts, and especially hurt my (y/n). My heart tightened in my chest. (Y/n), the one he cared about above all other living beings. The woman he fell in love with.

I clenched my fists, my gloved hand tightening in my staff. Gritting my teeth as I stared down the child with my red eye. "You come in here all high and mighty. You try to thwart MY plans...." I began to approach him, as he called out his Pokemon. He hadn't healed after his last battle. That was a fatal mistake. I ordered my Hydreigon to deal with them, knocking them out in single blows.

"You steal MY stuff...." My voice began to rise in volume as I backed him towards the wall. His eyes widening in fear, he's afraid of me. Good. "You beat up MY grunts!..." I grabbed him by the collar and pinned him against the wall, his feet dangling off the floor. "And them you torment (y/n)! That is something I will not allow to go unpunished brat!" I hissed before hurtling him across the room. Him landing unceremoniously in a heap on the floor.

I slam my staff on the ground. Summoning two of the Shadow Trade to my side. "Deal with the rat! I need to find (y/n). Do you know where she went!?" I watch one of the Shadow Assassins nod. "She was heading south. On the woodland trail where are boarding dock is located." I withdrew my Hydreigon. Before taking off to find (y/n), praying she was okay.

Your PoV

I gasped, backing away from the two assailants cornering me. "Look let's not do this." I plead. It all falling on deaf ears as one grabbed my arm. Pulling me towards them, "such a pretty lady all alone out here. Shame to not take an opportunity like this." I tried to get away, but he was to strong for me.

"Someone please!" I scream, before a have covers my mouth. "Now now, there is no need to yell. We'll take good care of y-" he was cut off by a sudden crack. Then a cry of pain, letting me worm my way out of his grip. I turn around to see-

"Ghetsis?!" I called, dumbfounded. I watched him dodge a blow made by the other thug. Then Ghetsis tripped him, before whacking him in the back of the head with his staff. Knocking the thug out to join the other unconscious on the ground. He panted a bit, recovering from the scuffle. He had thrown off his cape, revealing the black attire he wore underneath. The fabric hugged his body quite nicely, showing every muscle and curve. He looked very attractive in my eyes. Wait-what?!

"(Y/n)!" He had a note of worry in his voice as he came over to me. "Are you hurt?!" He cupped my cheek with his ungloved hand. His fingers, so soft and gentle. "I'm fine my Lord I-" "Call me Ghetsis dear. You don't have to be formal with me anymore." He interrupted. I blinked, utterly confused. "W-why are you doing this? I-I failed you. I am just a feeble grunt. I'm not worth anything to you."

I watched his expression change to such a painful, saddening frown. It tugged at my guilty heartstrings. "Dear (y/n) you are not just grunt. Your more special than you realize. I've never met a person that makes me so happy as you. I can never get you or of my head. I should have promoted you a long time ago. Have you be everywhere I go. Show you how much I care about you. I....." He trailed off, taking my hands in his.

"What in trying to say is..... Is that I have fallen in love with you (y/n)" he confessed. My eyes widen as I felt my heart flutter. He.... He loves me to. I reached up and cupped his cheek. Staring into his red eyes, before leaning in and kissing him. I was blushing so hard it would put Silver's hair to shame.

The kiss was loving, gentle, and passionate. Ghetsis was a surprisingly good kisser. Something I could only dream of finding out just a few hours prior. This was the greatest night of my life, my heart soared like never before. We finally pulled away and gasped for air. Staring into each others eyes. He looked so handsome in the pale moonlight. I felt him reach back and run his fingers through my hair. Pulling my forehead against mine.

"I love you Ghetsis, I have for a long time. I was just afraid to tell you." I finally confess, watching his eye widen. A blush dusting his cheeks. Finally be pulled me flush against him, causing me to gasp and blush again. "I love you to (y/n)" he said, causing me to relax and snuggle up to him. I realized that this was going to be the beginning of a magical, loving relationship. One I thought would never come true.


Authors note: please request for more stories. Hope you all enjoyed it!

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