Shitty Emotions

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Bakugou pov
"Can you repeat that again for me?" Master Aizawa said .
"I said I want the Omega test." I tried to ignore the intense stares from all the teachers ,especially my homeroom teacher only a couple adults were allowed back here. Sensei Aizawa , Recovery Girl, Sensei Mic , Nezu and Midnight.
"Little listener are you sure you don't want the Alpha test?" Sensei Mic said taking off his glasses showing off his eyes ah so that's why Sensei Aizawa fell in love with the Alpha.
"Yes sir I'm sure." I said wanted to get this over with I mean how many times do I have to fucking explain that I want to take the Omega test.Recovery girl grabbed my hand and led me into a room with no windows and one door being the one we just emerged from .The walls were all white and in the middle of the room was a table with three boxes.
"Okay Bakugou I want you to go over there and once I close the door the lights will go out you are to choose a box and just let your instincts take over. "When you get done the lights will come back on and one of the teachers will bring you back to the office ill draw blood and in about a day you'll get your results." Recovery Girl spoke so I grunted to let her know I listened to everything she said so I walked towards the table and sat when all of a sudden I heard a intercom and realized the voice was no other than my homeroom teacher .
"Alright Bakugou if you start to get uncomfortable or scared there's a red button under the table just press it and the test will stop." Sensei said even from here I could hear the worry in his voice . I kindly flicked him off . All of a sudden it was pitch black and I was going to reach for the box towards the left but it felt wrong . Recovery girl said let my instincts take over so I took a deep breath and let it out . I breathed in and out and felt something pulling me towards the middle box so I grabbed it ten seconds later the lights were on and there at the door was Sensei Mic with the biggest grin I have ever seen and trust this guy smiles a lot.
"Alright young listener lets go to Recovery Girl after that you are to go to your dorm and rest understood?" he says looking me with those eyes he honestly looks like a puppy so I groan and walk towards the door every step felt as if there were lead into my shoes. The journey felt like it took hours when it only took mere minutes.
"Alright Bakugou remember what I said and ill see you in class tomorrow ."As Mic Sensei walks away I stare at the door for which felt like hours. I opened the door and sat in the chair and waited till Recovery Girl returned.
"Alright are you ready?" She says and I jump I was so wrapped into my thoughts I didn't even hear her come in . Damn her and her old lady powers. I roll my eyes and she stuck me before I could blink once she filled the vial with my blood to think that little vial held my entire future.
"Alright you can go tomorrow you will get your results . Get some rest ." she says and walks away to do the next student as I walk out I see Half n Half , Shitty Hair and fucking Deku and other extras I really don't give a fuck about . Shit I don't feel like talking I tried to run but damn Shitty Hair saw me.
"Bakubro! "Kirishima was too close for comfort I activated my quirk and hit him with a minutre blast nothing to do damage but just enough to get my point across . He backed away with his hands in the air.
"Sorry I keep forgetting about personal space ."Shitty hair says rubbing the back of his neck .
"How and we have been in school for four months ."I say each word dripping in venom .
"Anyways we have a bet going on who we think will present what in our class , want to place one ?" he says smiling looking like a damn fool.
"No shitty hair I have better things to worry about then pointless extras." I say and turn around and walk towards the door I feel eyes staring at me but I kept going until I was in the solitude of my room. Once I'm secluded I instantly call my dad feeling the tears wanting to leave me eyes it rings for a couple seconds...
"What do you want brat?"I hear my mom say
"Where's Dad ?"I croak out trying to sound normal . I failed.
I hear muffled voices and relief washes over me once I hear his voice.
"Pom what's wrong?" my dad says I tried to laugh at the shitty nickname he gave me once we saw this Pomeranian that looked and act and looked like me but once again I failed and broke down.
"Go get the car!" my dad says to whom I'm presuming is my mom if the growling is anything to go by.
"I will kill whoever fucked with my pup" I hear my mom going off and the smoke alarm going off in the distance .
"You took the test today?" he says softly
"yes" shame running through me here I am sixteen crying to my parents over something stupid like presentation.
"I'm on the way pup just stay there." He says and hangs up I go inside the closet and see what I'm looking for there towards the back is a red fuzzy blanket at first glance you wouldn't possibly think it held so much significance to the hot head teen. I pick it up and wrap it around me and slowly took in the smell of my parents there scents instantly calmed me down.
I sat there until I felt a presence at my door and instantly opened the door and engulfed the person into a bone crushing hug. I instantly inhaled the all to familiar scent of my father . I felt another presence and put my hand out not wanting to let go of him just yet. When I finally looked up I saw my dad looking at me with such adoration no pity nor shame . My mom had the same look on her face. I pulled them into the dorm and sat on the bed not meeting their eyes. Shame washed over me again and I wanted to cry all over again. Fuck this and the shitty presentation why did it matter ? So what
"Hey look at me "my dad says softly
I look up and see worry written all over his face that's it the dam broke. Useless fucking emotions. How can he become the number one hero when he cant even control his damn tear ducts. He feels himself being picked up he looks up and meets his dad eyes once again .
"Want to tell me and your mom what happened.?" He says softly . I instantly put my head down in shame.
"How can I become the number one hero if I'm an Omega "I say softly .
"Easy you show those fuck tards that you can beat them even if you're a omega ."My mom spat angrily not at me but due to the incident a few years ago we don't discuss that.
"What your mom is trying to say is you being a Omega doesn't matter because you can still be the best, will it be easy ?probably not but you are strong and its not guaranteed you're an Omega , no matter what you present as we will always love you ." He says and kisses my forward we sit there for what felt like years until I closed my eyes letting my family scents lure me into a peaceful slumber.

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