Damn that's manly

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I woke up due to my stomach nearly eating itself. Once I wiped any traces of sleep from my eyes I was instantly confused. This definitely wasn't my dorm. Then instantly yesterday memories came rushing to my mind. I felt my heartbeat go faster I heard someone calling my name but I couldn't decipher who it was. So many thoughts rushed through my head. "Pathetic" "Useless" "How can you become the number one hero when you can't even control your emotions?". I felt shaking but I couldn't stop . I felt tears hit my arm and then a scent hit my nose. And suddenly I came back from my head. Their with tears on their face was my dad. I let a wail and gripped onto his shirt. He picked me up and put my nose towards his neck and I instantly went still. The scent of lilac filled the room . You could see the pain in his fathers eyes. They stayed that way until god knows how long. Since he wasn't crying anymore his stomach decided to make its presence known and growled very loudly. Embarrassment went across his face feeling his cheeks burn.
"You want to eat pup?" His dad asked running his hands through his hair. He melted against his father touches . His father never pushed for him to talk, he could sit like this forever. He doesn't have to be Bakugou Katusi the "asshole" he can be just his dad's pup. He shook his head yes because in all honesty he was hungry no matter how bad he wanted to stay in his dad's arms he has to face reality. And wasn't that a bitch?
He slowly got down and sat there, he realized that in this moment he's so glad he was here with his dad, and not his mom don't get him wrong he loves the old hag she can be overbearing she was an A1 alpha meaning she doesn't think first so if she saw him crying she would have burned down U.A. with no regrets .Even though the old hag was scary nothing was scarier than Masaru Bakugou this omega could put any alpha to shame. As he looks up he sees his dad left and hears him in the kitchen. He decides he's going to take a shower because he still had on pajamas and he knows that he can't hide forever in his family arms. So with that thought he walks towards his private bathroom and takes a shower. The hot water wipes away any traces of tears.He knows once he dots the threshold of U.A. his "strong" façade would have to come back on and all insecurities, doubts and etc. will have to be put towards the back of his mind. I was so wrapped into my thoughts I didn't even realize the water got cold. I dried off and put on my favorite lotion what monster gets out the shower and doesn't moisturize? He puts on some sweats and a plain white tee and makes his way into the kitchen his stomach once again making a growl okay shit that one actual hurt. He sits down and looks at the letter and his phone he decides the phone would be better first as he unlocks the phone he sees ;
20 missed calls
20 text messages
3 voicemails
He starts with the calls 10 from fucking Deku, 5 from Shitty Hair , 2 from Half n Half and two missed calls from a unknown number. I wonder who called me I'll call back later now to check the messages .
Deku: Kacchan?
Are you okay
We are worried?
Did something happen?
Kacchan it's not nice to ignore people
Just text me when you can the whole class is worried.
He makes sure to send a fuck off to Deku and looks at the rest .
Icy hot: Are you okay?
Why were you crying?
Everyone is worried
For some odd reason these messages from the candy cane motherfucker didn't agitate him . He shrugs it off and sends another fuck off I'm fine and moves to the next messages.
Shitty Hair: Bakubro are you okay?
I'm worried as hell man
The bakusquad is freaking out
Denki is crying
Mina and Sero are about to go look for you
Just be safe bro!
I roll my eyes at these and sends a I'm fine.
and looks again and see two from Sensei Aizawa and two from a number that's not saved . deciding that dealing with a grumpy sensei this early was not worth his life. He may have a fucked one but it was still his regardless.
Unknown :Hey Bakugou this is Aoyama , once I was conscious the class told me what happened and I wanted to thank you. I was very frightened and you helped me in ways words can't express and thanks for the hoodie 😊.
Unknown: If you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask mon cher ami.
I send a no problem back and tell him he can have the hoodie .
When I look up I see breakfast is done and my dad puts my food in front of me. I decide to not say anything about being coddled like a child because once my dads "Parent" gene kick in nothing can stop the poor omega and his instincts. As they eat his eyes constantly glance at the slightly burned paper, feeling nauseous he decides it's time to face reality.
"I'm an Omega" he says quietly he looks up ready to see disgust in his father eyes or pity but I'm met with neither just content? Adoration?
"What sub category?" his dad asks
He breathes and says it barely above a whisper "O1" I feel my eyes burning trying to keep back the tears. I feel warm hands on my face and met brown eyes staring at me with so much love . I hiccupped and once again was met with a hug.
"Pom I don't care what you present as you will always be my pup even when your married with kids of your own." My father says and kisses my forehead he tells me to go the living room as he calls the old hag I was so into the TV I didn't hear the door open soon enough I was wrapped inside the smell of burning caramel and he looks up to see his mom with tears in his eyes but once again there wasn't not a trace of disgust or pity. He wraps his arms around and let's down all masks and façade . I was scared , terrified its not rocket science that Omegas got shit constantly. It's not bad as it was when his dad was his age but they still got shit. Alphas thought they had the right to put their dick in any omega , not him he wouldn't be some breeding device or a wet hole to put something in he had dreams dammit and he was going to reach them. When he looked up he saw fire in his mom eyes and they shared a knowing smirk.
"That's my pup" she says knowingly watching the fire in her sons eyes grow and grow.
"We have a meeting with your principle and others so get ready" she says
I roll my eyes but still got up . He knew when to push his mom buttons but in that moment he knew it was a bad idea if the look in her eyes was to go by. Poor U.A. they had another thing coming.
When they reach the gate they walk past some of his classmates and they try to get his attention but he didn't even acknowledge their exsistance. When they reached the conference room their were some faces he knew and some he didn't. He saw Sensei Aizawa come towards him and he started to submit until he heard a growl he looked at his mom but it wasn't her. He sniffed the air lilac oh shit he turned around to see his dad calm demeanor gone. Teeth bared and growling . The tension was so thick you could see the pheromones coming off his dad screaming "BACK THE FUCK UP FROM MY PUP" well that's how he saw it . Aizawa put his hands up showing he means no harm . I grab his hand and my dads demeanor instantly changed . He slowly came back and he turns around to see his mom staring with so much pride basically saying "THAT'S MY MATE". Once he calmed down he apologized . And the meeting started .
"We are here due to your sons presentation, as you know he is a O1 omega . As you know the population of O1 omegas is very small even smaller for males. Meaning some Alphas may try to cause harm to your son ." Aizawa says . If the smell in the room was to go by nobody was happy about this. " We want to ensure his safety and certain precautions have to be met." Aizawa says shifting from foot to foot.
"What type of precautions?" he hears his mom said through gritted teeth. He grabs her hand and nuzzles it trying to calm her down he knows she's thinking of the incident but this isn't the time or place.
"Well for starters he has to wear a collar" Aizawa says and before his parents could even react he stood up and slammed his hands on the table.
"I'm not wearing a fucking collar" I scream this isn't the old ages . Equality his ass.
"Young listener "he looked up to see Sensei Mic looking at him and he backs down to listen to the older Alpha
"We know it's not ideal but your not the only one who will be wearing a collar all omegas no matter the sub cateorogry will have to wear one here at U.A... these new alphas don't know how to control themselves yet you were there when Aoyama went into heat." Mic said
He slowly sat down when thinking about the flamboyant blond , he rememebers certain people look at him like he was the last slice of pizza. He slowly shakes his head to indicate for them to continue .
"He will also have his own personal Heat room here with Recovery Girl". She waves hello and he can't stop the smile from his face Recovery Girl was a badass and she was an Omega .
"Bakugou will also have to take certain classes for his presentation and go through harder drills than any other omega due to him being the only O1 in a very long time here at U.A."Aizawa says
I zone out and just lay my head on my father's shoulder and let them talk. His parents will object if they feel the need too. Soon enough the meetings over and he hugs his parents goodbye. He hears his mom trying to calm down his father . I watched them get to the gate and before I knew it I was running across the field and hug my dad one last time and he felt his mom hug him and before he knew it he was purring something Omegas do when they feel really happy or safe.
"Thank you for everything" I say softly locking eyes with him
"Make us proud son" his dad says and he slowly makes his way towards his Sensei's and sees Mic trying to wipe his tears.
"That was so heartwarming"Mic said wiping tears.
He followed his homeroom teacher towards the Class and just in a second he was back with a glare that screamed "Fuck with me if you want" as soon as he walked in everyone stopped next thing he knew two blonds were hugging him . One being Pikachu and the other being sparkles (aoyama) . He instantly hugged back and they starting purring .
"Woah that's so manly" shittyhair screamed and the moment was ruined .
"Alright Bakugou you have to take a test , you have to go up to every person scent them and tell me what their presentation and scent is ." Aizawa said already climbing into the yellow bag . Bakugou decided to start with the omegas first
o Bakugou Katsuki ~Vanilla with a hint of caramel
o Yuga Aoyama ~ Macaroons
o Ochaco Uraraka ~ Roses
o Denki Kaminari ~ Berries
o Shinsou Hitoshi ~ Lavender
o Sensei Aiziwia ~ Peaches

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