I am my own hero

900 38 5

Bakugou point of view

I layed in that bed for hours with my eyes closed, sleep never came. How could it come when the person who claims to "loves" me is keeping me captive. Shitty alpha. Two kids I was supposed to be babysitting are now calling me ma and lifes are depending on me. Speaking of the devil Paul lifts his arms from around my waist. I slowly slide out the bed and look over at the clock on the nightstand it read 5:00am. . I walk towards the bathroom and decide to clean myself it's been about four days since I took a shower. I walk in and grab my clothes softly and lock the door not wanting this little bit of peace I have to be interrupted. As i took off my clothes I stared at my reflection and had to fight the disgust . Their on my neck was bite marks. Their were hand marks on my hips and sides, dried up blood and is that cum? I gagged my ribs were starting to show and my hair was longer looking exactly like my mom. The thought of my mom had tears wanting to spill from my eyes. God I guess the saying is true "You don't know what you have till it's gone." Thinking about my parents always brought tears to my eyes fuck if I wasn't so stubborn I wouldn't be here instead i would be at home with my parents and Aunt inko and fucking deku. Me and him would stay up to watch the All Might Special and probably fall asleep with crumbs everywhere. I know I'm supposed to keep faith and be optimistic but how the fuck can I be optimistic with the cards i have been dealt does life really just want to beat my ass??? Whom the fuck do I need to talk to ?! I shake my head being sad isn't going to help me I need to focus on how the fuck I'm going to get me and the twins the hell out of here. As I was in the shower I decided to wash my hair it was sticking in certain places. As my head was under the water I felt a presence but paid it no mind i knew i locked the door. As i was getting out their in all his stupid glory was no other then Paul . I gripped the towel tighter as if that would help me .

"Good Morning mate." he says walking towards me I took a step back . Soon enough I was up against the wall shit .

"I have great news for our family!"he says hugging me I instantly stiffened.

"Do enlighten me ." i say sarcastically

"Well for about a week I'll be gone but to make sure you and the twins aren't lonely a dear friend of mine is going to watch you. After this me ,you and the kids will be moving to The United States!!" he says jumping up and down . Before I knew it I was throwing up in the toilet . I can't do it . I can't do it fuck why can't i breathe ??? The room is spinning ! I'm never going to see my parents again. I won't get to see Deku or go to U.A. Soon enough the scents of lemon was coming on so strong I could taste them , arms were around me grounding me down. Before I could register what was going on my body was on autopilot and falling into his arms! Fuck what is going on soon enough the scent of arousal was in the air. No! I don't want this I felt hands in my hair and I felt tugging . I tried to get away but the grip on my shoulders got tighter soon enough I was on the floor . I kicked and screamed and tried to make my explosions bigger but my hands were dry as shit. Tears were streaming down my face as I felt him rip the towel from my waist . Soon enough I blasted him right in the face and watched as he snarled teeth bared.

"Shouldn't have done that princess now I have to punish you." he says grinning wickedly. Before I knew it a intense pain was in my head making me drop to me knees. My insides felt like they were burning to ashes. Soon enough I was choking and I couldn't understand why my vision blurred as the pain got worse. I felt something running down my face. Before my mind could register what was happening a pain hit me and it wasn't inside my head it was inside me . Paul was raping me again except this time there was no lube or spit he went inside raw. I screamed and screamed with each thrust everything hurt . I don't know when it happened but soon enough I was unconscious and for once I opened it with open arms.

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