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"Have you read the notice at the notice board. There is going to be a football match hosted in our school." , Vedika squealed looking more excited than anyone of us. " I didn't know why Garry himself never told us.", she said.

"May be he too noticed it this day, I guess.", I said sitting opposite to her at the cafeteria. Today after a week we are back to the school and Garry(Girish) was missing right from the morning. He is not her even now.

"That is why he is not with us right now. May be he went to the coach to discuss about the game.", Ved said.

"Also there is an exciting music competition held the next day of the match. I guess you are in.", Vedika asked.

A music competition? I don't know about that.

"Ahh, I don't know yaar. I may not be participating in it.", I said casually.

"But why?", it's now Jay's turn to talk. " You are good at singing Sia. You must participate.", he said.

"I may be good but I am too scared to sing now. Also there would be a huge crowd. I can't handle that." , I said feeling disappointed of not being able to overcome my fears yet.

"That should not be a problem Sia. We will help you na. Please participate. After all it is the last year at school for us." , Ved assured eating his lunch.

"I need a hell lot of practice and there is no time though.", I said.

"Ohh, don't be so scared Sia. I know you can do it. I will help you. You can always count on me.", Jay said.

"True. Then why don't you participate and I will be supporting both my brother and best friend", I said excitedly finally finding a way to escape.

But whom am I kidding? It's JayRam Dixit and Vedanth Vashist I am dealing with. They are too hard to convince and escape from.

"Seriously, are you thinking that I am going to buy your stupid excuses?", Jay says amused.

Of course not. I know you won't consider my excuse. But what other reason can help me at this situation.

"Don't over think Sia. He is going to help you and you are going to participate. And I know you will be supporting me like you have done from years. Now my time to support you" , my brother said patting my shoulder and sat beside me.

You too joined their party bro? This is so unfair.

"OK. I will think about it. But on a simple condition. You need to participate too", I said looking at Jay.

Take that Jay. This is for making me do what I fear. And also you are such a talent that should not go un-noticed. I thought in my mind smiling at myself.

"Okay...", he said for which everyone exclaimed in excitement. I on the other side is dying of nervousness of what my fate has stored for the coming days.

"When can we start practicing", Jay messaged me silently.

"Let me compromise myself and get prepared to face for the situation first." I replied him back.

"There is no way I am letting you back off. Better get that in your mind fast crazy head", he messaged for which I glared at him and hit his leg.


"No yaar, I am not going to sing that. They are too fast for my liking", I said to Vedika.

Wondering what is happening now? My lovely friends along with my bro are helping me pick a song to sing at the competition.

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