Chapter 9

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Gordies POV

When I finially got to the bathroom I slid down the bathroom wall onto the ice cold floor and began to let the tears stream from my puffy eyes.

I knew he could hear me cry, I also knew he didn't care. But for some reason I was okay with this, Chris was hurting. He needed someone there who loved him, I didn't mind being that person.

After I got done crying to myself I stood up and looked in the mirror.

I looked at ny stomach and how it was turning yellow and purple from when those kids frem school beat me up. My cheek was also hurting and turning purple from that time too.

My thighs and hips were purple and red from when I got kicked at school, also when Chris grabs me.

I picked up a towel and got it wet from the fosit. I then began to clean up the blood that was starting to dry on my hips from when Chris drilled his nails in there.

When the towel first hit the cuts it stung, but eventually I just got used to the burning sensation.

Finally when all the blood was dried from both hips I threw the towel in a hamper, then ran my fingers lighty over the scars that would last forever on my hips.

I started to trail my hands from my hips to my neck and started to linger them over the hickies that Chris had left. They didn't even look like hickies, they looked like bruises really.

Everytime I touched one I could still feel Chrises touch, I sometimes could even taste Chris in my mouth. It was like kissing a minty ash try, but I learned the lust for the taste because the taste was Chris.

I dropped my fingers and hung them along with my head. Pore Chris, he was hurting so much. I wish he dad would leave him alone, Chris didn't deserve what his dad did. I can see scars on his body when we have sex, I will run my fingers over them. But when I do I do it quickly so he can't tell I know.

Chris didn't deserve the pain his dad put him through. He was such an amazing person who needed love.

I then pulled my head up, I would be okay. Bruises on my skin will heal, the bruises on Chris's heart will be there forever.

Chris, thats what I thought about all day everyday. His smile and name would slip them selves into my mind no matter what I may be doing during the day.

Chris, the boy who I loved but would never love me because he didn't know how to.

I slowly made my way from the bathroom and into my dark bed room.

The ground was cold, but that didn't seem to faze me because I saw Chris just sitting up staring at my wall.

So I walked over to hin slowly and easily,"Chris?"

He snapped his head up and grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

"Chr-is?", I wispered under neither my breathe.

He starred at me dead in the eyes,"Don't leave again."

I nodded my head, I knew he was having night mares about his dad. Chris would toss in turn in my sheets while saying 'no dad please no'. It would break my heart, but I couldn't do anything. So in the moment I let Chris hold my arm while I sat in his lap, even if his grip was hard enough to make me bleed. He needed someone to hold on to so he knew this wasn't a dream, this was real. I was real, he was real.

I don't know how long I sat there in his arms, it could have been second or years. It didn't matter to me, I could sit in Chris Chambers arms for the rest of my life with out complaining.

While we sat there I began to feel Chris's grip loosen up on my wrist. I looked down to see there was a little blood from his tight grip, but not enough for me to worry about.

Because of his grip loosening I began to sit up, but right when I started to move Chris tighten his grip again,"Don't leave."

"I'm not leaving, I just wanna lay down. You can still hold my arm, hell you can hold me. I just need to get some sleep for school.", I told Chris.

He let go of me slowly but I was finally free. So I slipped off his lap and into my side of the bed.

Once I finally got into my side Chris quickly grabbed me and pulled me close to him.

I knew Chris didn't love me, he was scarred. Anybody could have been here and he would have done the same thing to them. But I would be lying to myself if I didn't admit that I liked laying here on Chris's chest, in his arms.

He may have been digging his nails in to my body from different ares he was holding me at.

But I didn't mind, I knew he need something to hold and I was there. So even through the pain I manged to find myself falling into a dream filled with Chris and I together. With no fucked up game to ruin everything.


I shot my eyes open and flung my arm to hiy my alarm off.

When I looked back I noticed I was laying right on top of Chris.

I would have loved to stay here with Chris forever, laying in his warm arms. But the world didn't work like that, so I pushed myself off of Chris and stood about him,"Hey, you need to get up for school."

Chris began to open his eyes,"Wanna shower?"

I knew what he meant by that but I couldn't say no. I wasn't aloud to,"Yeah sure."

He didn't say anything after that, he just stood up and made his way the the shower.

I then followed him and right when I got in there he slammed me up against the bathroom door.

Great way to start my morning.

Here's Chapter 9!!!

Sorry it sucks❤

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