Backed into a corner, shaking, holding back tears as my her teeth sunk into the flesh of her cheek.
"You're my property"
He stated, firm grip on her chin as he kept their faces mere center meters apart.Alcohol soaked breath trickled out, as his face stretched into a menacing open mouthed grin.
"Do you understand" he growled, voice raising in volume.
"Yes, what?" He bellowed - the vice like grip he had on the girls face tightened.
"Y-yes sir"
He chuckled darkly - "more like it" - he forced her backwards. Releasing her face and smirking as her head hit the wall. She stood there looking smaller than a ever - as she prayed for the wall to swallow her whole.
He turned - exiting the room - slamming the door so hard pieces of the flaking paintwork, fell down from the ceiling like tiny particles of snow.