Happy Endings (Lee Chaeryeong)

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Hehehe my smol bean uwu
Warning: Plot Twist kekeke

"How did you meet mommy, dad?" Your best friend asked in a baby voice while pointing at your newborn child from the glass outside the incubating room.

Your best friend's name is Guanlin Lai and you met him from your workplace, so he doesn't know much about your childhood, but of you now.

Your son, for now un-named, is your first born child, just came to your life yesterday, 1 month early than usual.

You and Guanlin walk to room number 2436, and saw the love of your life, whom you had just married 1 year ago.

"Hey jagi." She greeted calmly, turning her head towards you and smiled warmly.

"Hey. You want some water?" You offered, walking towards the pitcher beside the bed. She nodded yes and you poured her a glass.

"How did you guys meet. Really." Guanlin asked as he sat down on the table across the room. You followed after you poured the water and sat down as well.

"I'll tell you." You replied, "but prepare for a long story."

Guanlin nodded and drank some water, preparing to listen.

8 years ago

Here we see an 18 year old version of you, pacing around the courtyard of your school. Your best friend then, Yoon Jaehyuk, was sitting on one of the benches, reading a book for an upcoming class.

"Hyung!" You yelled at him, making him perk up his head to face at you. He gave you a look questioning your action. "What do I say to ask her out?"

He sighed and replied, "Look, just do it simple. Ask her like a normal person."

"What? So something like 'Chaeryoung-ah, I really like you, go out with me sometime?'" You panicked, ruffling your hair stressed out. "Should I buy a flower as well?"

"I don't think that's necessa-" He was about to advise but you cut him off. "She has to know I'm putting an effort!"

"Fine fine. I'll call up my mom to prepare some right now." Jaehyuk replied, waving his arms around and grabbing his phone, trying to get you to calm down.

"Thanks Hyuk." You said, giving each other a high five and a bro hug before heading back to class for another period.

Your class had joint Science class with the other section. The one Chaeryoung was in. You took down notes but stole glances from time to time. Your other best friend, Choi Jisu, nudged your side and smirked, looking at you both.

You sighed and went back to taking notes, still stealing glances. She caught you once and smiled sweetly back at you. Blushing, you decided to stop for the rest of the period while Jisu chuckled at your reaction.

After class ended, you walked over to Chaeryoung who was packing her books to go home. Science was the last period so afterwards, everyone was free.

"U-um, C-chaeryoung-ah, you wanna go out and grab a snack or something? Could walk you home afterwards." You stuttered, looking down at your feet while biting your low lip, nervous for her answer.

"D-date?" She blushed and replied back as she wore her backpack and offered her hand for you to hold.

"Date." You smiled and sighed in relief, taking her hand as you walked out of school.

On the way to the cafe, you passed by Jaehyuk's mom's flower shop. You grabbed the flower from Jaehyuk who was working there to help out and paid for it. He gave you a thumbs up for good luck while smiling at you with pride. You mouthed a "thanks" back at him and jogged back towards your date.

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