The beginning

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Btw- I messed up the time zones I hope you likes
One day I was in the forbidden forest and I heard a crying noise I immediately got out my wand thinking it was another one of those centaurs claiming their land and harassing us,but no, it was George he was the only one of the Weasley's besides Ginny that came back to Hogwarts to refinish his final year ( he was in his final years when Fred died) and he was very sad over Fred. Although I, being dumb , of talking him through it I was evidently standing behind a piece of bark, being stupid, and then guess what, he said, "Hi Hermione." His voice had grown deeper and it was kinda hot, snap out of it mione! "Er, What are you doing in the forbidden forest?" Dis spite the fact that I knew he was mourning over his dead brother I asked, "Oh I , wait what are you doing here?" I freaked if he found out my secret Id be dead.

So I hope I left you on a cliffhanger I promise it will end up well

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