The Secret

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I panicked " I have my reasons, I'm in the For bidden forest because... I have a class Here?" I Felt so unsure that he would believe that because I didn't even believe that well we'll see. He gave me a look, "Really and which class would that be?" Again I felt so unsure that he would believe it but I said, " Erm... Defense against the dark arts for learning Umm... Centaurs" I was bracing myself for anything because he was going to be doubtful. "You do know I am learning centaurs
right? So you should know that you don't learn it In sixth year... so bad excuse, try again."
" Fine but when i tell you the truth you can't tell the boys they would go crazy." Then he responded with the most honest eyes that made my heart melt, "I promise I will never ever tell ANYONE on certain circumstances asking as you don't get hurt no one can know"
Damn it now he will tell them but I'll tell him anyway. I lifted up my sleeve and saw the horrible shock oh his face I had horrible red marks all over My wrists, then he opened his mouth so wide out of the blue he asks, "Where is it?" I didn't know what to say, "WHERE IS IT? I'm sorry about that I didn't want to yell just tell me" I felt bad so I pointed in the direction of my knife, because I knew that was what he wanted and I feel bad because I should've said it sooner and shouldn't of held this secret it is a horrible secret after all.
George's View
I yelled at her. She is so nice and kind and I yelled at her. I love her, that is why I'm here to be sad because I know that she will never love me. Anyway I must tell the boys, they need to know. I sit here with a knife in my hand and mione ran off scared. I shouldn't of yelled.

Later that day ( George's view)
I walked back to the common room ready to make a letter to send to Grimuald Place, where Harry and my family are currently living trying to get my family a new house and everything because of the death eaters burned down my house. So everyone is looking at extended houses for our huge family. So I got a piece of parchment and started writing,

Dear Family and Harry,
I have found my collage, Hermione trying to cut her arm. I need help if I don't get help she will kill herself and I can't see that happening
                                    Sincerely  George ,
                                    Please help

Hermione's view
I don't know what is going to happen I mean he obviously is going to tell everyone, but he is so nice maybe he won't tell the headmaster I was in the forbidden forest.
Well Harry gave me the mauraders map I'll go to the shrieking shack.
At the shrieking shack
Oh my life is horrid! I should just end it! Then I started unintentionally pacing. I can't believe I didn't run when I saw George in my spot!
I should have killed my self earlier than then I wouldn't have to go through this.

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