Chap 2 brit boy

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Emma's pov

Waking up to the sound of my dad's loud tv program on I slowly stretched and wriggled out of bed. For some reason I was oddly excited and happy about today.

Brushing my teeth and changing into my old limp clothing, which I plan on changing right away, I didn't bother with breakfast and got in my car. A car? What?! Yup that's right. How? Well it was a gift from Mia of course. Actually it was from her parents who I considered mine. They knew I walked 10 miles to school everyday and that I hated the bus. And no I couldn't car pool with Mia for she lived on the other side of town. Anyways, as soon as I got my license they gifted me with one of their old cars that they didn't use anymore. They even offered to pay the insurance and still will! Of course by now you could tell they were rich. Her parents owned tons of restaurants which was one of the reasons they moved.

Anyways, I headed down to the mall. When I reached there I went to one of my favorite shops that I could rarely buy in but still loved it, pink. Now how am I able to afford this? No, not Mia. It was mrs. Brown, my boss. I worked in a small bakery and had the sweetest boss ever. She was the only other person who knew of my family predicament other than Mia. Mrs brown was who I considered more like a grandma considering she was old and sweet and owned a bakery. Whenever she gives me my salary she always gives me more than she's supposed to, the reason why I currently have $1500 saved up and I'm about to use a hella lot of that money right now.

10 shopping bags later I was heading back toward my car satisfied with my purchases. Almost to my car I started fumbling around in my purse for my keys which was difficult with full hands.

Cursing and trying to find my damn keys I run into something hard. Looking up I gasp in fear at the all to familiar cool gray eyes.

Tyler Matthews, the schools bad boy.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry I wasn't watching wear I was going." I stuttered out

"Ya you better be sorry." He growled out. He then pushed past me knocking me to the ground.

I shrieked in surprise and dismay as I came crashing to the ground with all my bags. Feeling a sharp pain on my forearm, I noticed I now had a jagged cut there. Grunting in pain I slowly made my way up gripping my cut preventing it to bleed.

Luckily my car was now only a couple feet away. I needed to cover this cut do I don't bleed out. Then I looked at my ratty shitty shirt and tore the sleeves off. Wrapping it tightly around my arm I bent down to grab my bags.

A pair of hands beat me to it though.

I looked up to see hazel eyes staring back at me. Now these pretty eyes I didn't know.

We both straightened out, him holding my bags, and I couldn't help but let my eyes wander over him.

He was about 5'8 I guessed (5 inches taller than me), has those gorgeous hazel eyes, brown shaggy hair, dazzling white smile, and his body oh lord Jesus. His white v-neck exposed his rippling muscles and through it I could see his 6 pack. Or maybe 8 pack? Either way he was hot.

Realizing I should say something before I drool I stuttered out "u-u-um thanks." God I was terrible at talking to boys, especially ones like him.

He chuckled "no problem."

I gasped. With those two words alone I could hear his British accent. God this made him 100069000x hotter.

Before I could help myself I blurted out "your British?" I mentally slapped myself. Stupid Emma of course he is haven't you just heard the accent??

He chuckled again. "Ya I am. I just moved here from England a couple weeks ago. I'm mason by the way." He said extending his hand.

I shook it kindly and felt tingles. "Emma. So um what brought you here?" I asked

"I'd love to answer that but it's actually quite a story. How about I take you out to lunch and I could explain my life story if you want?" He suggested with a wink.

WAIT WAIT WAIT. DID THIS HOTTIE JUST ASK ME OUT?! Ok calm down Emma he just said lunch. Just politely say yes with a smile.

I followed my subconscious and smiled and said "sure, I'd love to."

He grinned a cheeky grin and I did the same. Well until I noticed the bags he was still holding.

"Oh! Here let me just put these in my car."

"No! Let me." He quickly replied back.

Opening the trunk of my car he put all my bags in. When I reached up to pull it down I winced as I accidentally stretched my new cut.

Mason immediately noticed my pain and went over to me caressing my arm like it was a newborn baby.

"What happened?! Who the bloody hell did this to you?" He exclaimed

"It was Tyler of course." I mumbled

His face filled with confusion and I then remembered he was new.

"He's the school bad boy." I explained

"So because he's the "bad boy" he feels the need to push people around and shove pretty girls like yourself around?" He asked with anger laced in his voice.

I blushed. Did he really just call me pretty?

"Thanks but I'm far from pretty." I said "and ya I guess that's what bad boys do."

"You're right your not pretty." He simply said

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. Of course he wouldn't think I'm pretty.

Then he did something surprising and moved closer to me putting his hands on either side of my face and said "you're gorgeous."

That caused my heart to zip back up and to pump frantically as I processed everything that just happened. A hot new British guy just called me gorgeous! Oh my how could this be?!

I stared into his eyes full of desire as I mirrored his expression. Then I was shocked when he was leaning forward and so was I.

Just as our lips were about to touch though my stomach growled. Ruining the perfectly romantic scene.

Mason pulled back smirking. "Well it looks like someone is hungry."

I gave him a slight nod not really paying attention for I was a bit disappointed and sad. Well I actually should be glad. We moved wayyy to fast. I don't even know his last name for gods sake!

He leaned in and whispered huskily in my ear "it's not for food I bet, is it?" When he pulled back he winked and I could see his amused smirk.

My face turned from a cute blush to an embarrassed tomato red.

He chuckled not waiting for my response and said "come on let's get some lunch."

I followed him thinking of how on earth I'm still talking to this hunk and going to lunch with him.

----- a/n -----

Hey guys! What do ya think of mason huh? He's being played as the gorgeous ansel elgort.

How about the bad boy? He may seem bad now but-

Well you'll see

Anyways like, comment, and vote vote vote!

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