Ch 3 Y/n vs the ORC

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Y/n:finally you showed yourself's now let's get this started

I say while making my ten pairs of black and red feathered wings appear on my back which made the girls narrow there eyes

Rias:so your actually a fallen angel Hm so what? It doesn't matter if your a angel, devil or even a dragon in the end we will win

Y/n:hm sounds like someone has a death wish and luckily for you... I grant that wish on a daily basis

The wheel of fate is turning

Rebel 1


As soon as I said that kiba charge at me then pull out her sword and gave me a barrage of stabs which I blocked with my katana, after a while of blocking her attacks I knocked the air out of her by smashing my katana's pummel into her gut. Then was about to cut her in two only for koneko to punch me in the face making me get sent flying. Not wasting this opportunity Akeno launch a lightning bolt at my soaring body only for I to recover at the last second then cut the lightning bolt in half while my feet dig into the ground forcing me to come to a complete stop while I stair at the four girls infront of me

Y/n:huh looks like you four are better then I thought

Rias:thanks but the same sadly can't be said about you

Y/n:... *breath in*... *breath out*... you should've picked your words more carefully

Immediately I disappeared only to reappear infront of kiba who in reflex try to cut me in two only for I to block her sword with my katana's sheath then draw my sword and cut kiba at her side making her get out a hiss in pain then take a step back

While I was distracted koneko ran up to me and try to punch me only for I to dodge her punch then grab her by the neck and smash her onto the ground making a crater

Y/n:sorry kitten but right now I'm done playing easy

I then let go of her neck and started to stomp on her multiple times making the crater she was in bigger and bigger with every stomp, when I was done I stomp on her gut one more time then launch her up in the air and kicked her away making her body fly pass Rias and akeno who looked at me in shock

With her done with I turned towards kiba who charged at me then try to cut my neck only for I to dodge her swings then disarmed her with a swing of my blade making her sword be launched into the air then crash onto the ground away from her

Y/n:you lose

I then gave her a barrage of slashes which tore up her uniform with every passing second, after a while of cutting her I disappear only to reappear behind kiba while her body suddenly was inside a giant ball of ice

Y/n:let the ice and electricity consume you

I then sheathed my sword while a lightning bolt strikes kiba shattering her cold prison and also making her collapse onto the ground

Y/n:who's next?

Answering my question a bolt of lightning started to head towards me which I cut in two then look to see akeno who had multiple magic circles infront of her

Akeno:I gotta say for a fallen angel your pretty good but now your only option is to scream in pain for your master~

Y/n:master? What are you a dominatrix?

Akeno:Hehe you can say that~

Y/n:well either way I'm not going to do that but I will beat you quickly

I say while making multiple swords appear around me then fired them all at Akeno who let out a wave of lightning bolts which clashed with my swords for dominance only to cancel each other out making a smokescreen

Using this to my advantage I snapped my fingers making a magic circle appear and from it came a wave of swords which pierced through the smoke heading towards a wide eyed Akeno who couldn't do a thing before she was bombarded by my blades. Once it was done She was on the ground with multiple wounds and for some reason having a satisfying look on her face

Y/n:and then there was one

I say while looking at Rias who mustered up all of her courage then made a black and red ball appear to her hand which started to increase in size

Rias:look here fallen angel if you think that I'm going to be beaten as easily as you think then your dead wrong!

She then threw the ball at me while I lazily hold up my right arm, As soon as the ball hit me it made a giant smoke cloud which blocked me from view, once the smoke cleared Rias could only staire wide eyed when she saw a magic barrier protecting me from her attack and not just that but it didn't even have a scratch on it

Y/n:... hm was that the best you got?


Y/n:I'll take that as a yes. Now then... it's my turn

As soon as I said that a giant magic circle appear underneath us and from it came a giant razor sharp claw which was even bigger then the entire school building which Rias staired at terrified

Y/n:it's over

Before I could do anything else I suddenly stopped once I heard what millicas said

Millicas:y/n stop! She's who were looking for!

Y/n:... what did you say?

Millicas:I said she's Rias my aunt

Once My mind finally register that the magic circle I made disappeared and I put away Karitoriki

Y/n:sorry about that Rias it's just that once you attacked us I thought you were a stray or something also most importantly millicas why didn't you tell me that sooner!?

I say while looking at millicas Wondering why she didn't tell me she was the person we were looking for

Millicas:well it's because... I wanted to see how she will do in a fight against you

Y/n:*sigh* of course anyway Rias is it ok if we can talk inside since I don't want anyone to be stairing at us

Rias:r-right but can you at least help me get koneko, yumi, and akeno since...

Y/n:I know it's because I knocked them out

With that said I went up to the girls she mentioned them carry them to the old school building with Rias and millicas following behind me

(So what do you think? Good? Bad? Meh? Tell me in the comments)

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