Chapter 1: Return To Oz

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Setting: It is a warm summer afternoon at Dorothy's family farm. Dorothy was helping her Aunt and Uncle with the farm duties. She was collecting the freshly laid eggs that the hens laid. Then she went over to go milk the cow Bessy. When she was done she turned over to ask Aunt Emm if she needed any more help.

Dorothy: Aunty Emm do you need any help?

Aunt Emm: Not right now Dorothy. Why don't you take Toto for a walk.

Dorothy: Alright.

"Dorothy went to redress herself. She put on a blue and white lined dress and the silver slippers that she thought the Wizard gave her. Dorothy went to go get Toto. Toto was a small black terrier puppy. She put Toto on a leash and started walking pass the picket fence of her house and started walking on a dirt road."

Setting: Dorothy was walking on the dirt road for about an hour. Then the wind started to get stronger. A force started to pull Dorothy and Toto backwards.

Dorothy: What is that Toto?!

"She looks behind her and notices its a cyclone."

Dorothy: Not again.

"She doesn't know what to do to escape. She looks at her feet. She remembered that the slippers can take her anywhere she wants."

Dorothy: Don't worry Toto. We'll get out of here.

"She picked up Toto and held him tightly. Then she clicked her heels three times and a cloud of gray smoke surrounded her. She was transported to The Emerald City of Oz"

Dorothy: I'm really back. Toto welcome to Oz.

[Enters Glenda]

Glenda: I thought I sensed your presence.

Dorothy: Glenda!!!

"Dorothy hugs Glenda."

Glenda: Why did you return?

Dorothy: There was a cyclone that struck when I was walking my dog. My only way to escape was to use the slippers the Wizard gave me.

Glenda: I'm sorry to tell you but the Wizard didn't give you them it was Zelena. The water didn't kill her. She regenerated from it.

Dorothy: What happened after I left.

Glenda: When you left she banished me to the Enchanted Forest. Then Zelena continued on her original path to travel back in time. She too went to the Enchanted Forest but something brought her back.

Dorothy: What brought her back?

Glenda: I do not know.

(The scene changes to the moment when Gold killed Zelena.)

Zelena: I'm powerless now! Regina has got my pendant! I can't hurt anyone!! Why?

Gold: Because I promised my son that his death would be avenged. Rumpelstiltskin never breaks a deal.

"Gold stabs Zelena with his dagger. She turns into a glass statue. Gold take the dagger out and Zelena breaks in a million little pieces."

[Gold exits]

"The glass disappears into green smoke. The pendant turns into green smoke that opens Zelena's time portal. Then suddenly the green smoke is in the Emerald City of Oz and turns into a ball green smoke. Finally it turns into Zelena. Zelena appears in her black outfit and her green skin."

Zelena: Well home sweet home (sarcasm)

[Glenda Enters]

Glenda: Zelena how did you get here?!

Zelena: I could ask you the same thing.

Glenda: The Curse that snow enacted brought me here instead. How did you get here?

Zelena: None of your concern.

Glenda: I took it that you failed then.

Zelena: I didn't fail! People just got in the way. Now that I'm here I'll should make use of this land.

Glenda: What do you mean by that?

Zelena: It means I will take over this land and make it my own. ALL of it.

Glenda: Now I can't let you do that.

Zelena: Watch me!!

"Zelena makes her broom appear. And disappears with it."

(Setting changes back to Dorothy and Glenda's conversation.)

Dorothy: If you were banished how are you here.

Glenda: There was a dark curse that struck in the Enchanted Forest that was supposed to take me to your land, but it brought me here instead. You came in the knick of time.

Dorothy: Why is that?

Glenda: Zelena has been terrorizing Oz ever since she got here. She made herself Queen of Oz. Her magic is so powerful that Gayelettte, Locasta, and I cannot stop her.

Dorothy: And how does this involve me?

Glenda: Because you are destined to. Youre supposed to be the Good Witch of the West.

Dorothy: How do you know this?

Glenda: According to the Book Of Records the Sorceress of the West will come by cyclone.

Dorothy: I came by cyclone.

Glenda: It also says that she will defeat the greatest evil Oz will ever face.

Dorothy: If all this is true then I have some work to do.

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