Chapter 7: Finding Nemo

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Setting: Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion followed the Yellow Brick Road. They reach a great Mountain. It's the tallest mountain in Oz. They are stuck.

Dorothy: Woah. How are we going to climb that?

Tin Man: You can't. It's Mt. Zeetar. It's the tallest mountain in Oz.

Lion: No one has ever climbed it.

Scarecrow: The people who tried have died.

Dorothy: How are we going to continue our journey if we can't climb it?

[Enters Glenda]

Glenda: Use your magic Dorothy.

Dorothy: How Glenda?

Glenda: You've always had the power. All you need to do is think and follow your heart.

[Glenda exits]

Tin Man: That was a lot of help.

Dorothy: No it was. Let's Hold hands.

"Dorothy and the others hold hands. Dorothy closes her eyes. She thinks about going over the mountain and about defeating Zelena. They are on the other side of the mountain. They found the lake."

Scarecrow: We did it!

"They see a fish jumping in and out of the water. Dorothy goes closer to the lake."

Dorothy: Excuse me are you Nemo the Enchanted Fish.

Nemo: Yes I am. You wish to gain the Enchanted water that can destroy the Wicked Wicked.

Dorothy: Yes we are. May we have some. It's our only hope for all of us.

Nemo: I sense great innocence in you so Yes you can.

"Nemo goes into the water and returns with a bucket of water."

Nemo: Don't drop it. This is all you get.

Lion: Thank you

[Nemo Exits]

Tin Man: Now we need to walk all the way to Zelena's castle. Great.

Dorothy: No we don't. Let's hold hands.

" Dorothy and the others hold hands. Dorothy closes her eyes. They all are transported to Zelena's Castle. Zelena stands in front of them."

Zelena: Hello Dorothy.

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