Chapter 3: Zelena's Plan

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Setting: When Glenda gave Dorothy her mission, Zelena was eavesdropping on them. She had a devious idea a hurried back to her castle. She built her castle the middle of a dark forest. She walks towards one of her flying monkeys. She turns it back into its human form. It's Walsh.

Zelena: Happy now.

Walsh: Yes. Thank you master.

Zelena: You think I'll fail don't you.

Walsh: Using a Scarecrow, Lion, and a Man made out of Tin to manipulate Dorothy. It seems a little far fetched.

Zelena: Well you'll be proven wrong.

Walsh: How so?

Zelena: Dorothy will trust anyone that comes in her path. Once they bring the enchanted water to destroy me I'll take it away and use it on her.

Walsh: But the enchanted water only destroys evil.

Zelena: A simple spell will fix that. Once I have destroyed Dorothy ill use those slippers and go back to Storybrooke and steal Snow White's baby.

Zelena: No. I'm going to use something else as innocence.

Walsh: What?

Zelena: Dorothy's dog.

Walsh: Toto?

Zelena: I see a dog more innocent than a baby.

Walsh: Why do you need the baby then?

Zelena: More on that later.

Walsh: Good luck with that.

Zelena: Enough of this lack of faith in my plain!! Now show me my prisoners.

"Zelena follows Walsh to her dungeon. Zelena throws fire balls at her empty torches to bring some light. The light reveals the Lion, Scarecrow, and Tinman in cages."

Zelena: Hello my visitors how's your stay?

Tinman: Just great. (Sarcasm)

Zelena: Well good. I have a gift for you.

Scarecrow: We want nothing from you.

Zelena: Oh but you shall have it. My gift to you is a mission I want you to complete.

Lion: Why would we do any thing for you?!

Zelena: Because Lion you get your courage back. Tinman and Scarecrow you get your heart and brain back. All you need to do is complete my mission.

"Lion, Tinman, and Scarecrow look at each other in agreement."

Tinman: What do we need to do?

Zelena: Now were talking. I want you to accompany a girl on her journey to search for enchanted water to destroy me. You need to make sure she succeeds on finding this plan.

Scarecrow: Why do you want her succeed in finding something that will destroy you?

Zelena: Because I something in store for her.

Lion: Where do we go to find her.  

Zelena: You all will be in three different places. Scarecrow you will be in a corn field. Tinman you will be in an apple tree forest. Lion you will be in a forest. Once you all have help her you bring her too me.

Lion: What are you going to do to her?

Zelena: That doesn't concern you.

Scarecrow: Alright then we'll do it.

Zelena: Great. It's showtime.     

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