Chapter 9: Welcome To Storybrooke

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Setting: Regina and Emma went to go pick up Henry at Mary Margret and David's apartment. They all stand over Neal's cradle admiring him.

Regina: He's so beautiful. I can't wait to have one of these.

Emma: I'm sure you'll have one soon.

Snow: He's such a good boy too.

[Enters Zelena]

"They all turn towards Regina."

Henry: How are you still alive?!

Zelena: I was but I was revived.

David: How are you green?

Zelena: I some how got back to Oz.

Regina: If she went to Oz she must have something. What do you want Zelena?!

Zelena: Why Snow's baby of course.

Emma: We are not letting you go back in time again.

Zelena: My dear can't a villain have a child anyone else.

Setting: Meanwhile, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion are mourning at the site where Dorothy was melted.

Scarecrow: I can't believe she's dead.

Lion: It's all my fault.

Tin Man: It's all of our fault.

Toto: Arf Arf.

Scarecrow: What's that Toto?

"Suddenly a puff of white smoke appears. Dorothy is revived."

Tin Man: You're back!

Dorothy: It appears I am.

Lion: Dorothy we're sorry we were only trying to get-

Dorothy: It's OK I understand.

Tin Man: How are you going to stop Zelena?

[Enters Glenda]

Glenda: Light magic.

Dorothy: How am I going to use magic to defeat her? Transporting people but defeating someone who is more powerful than me is impossible.

Glenda: Have faith. Think from your heart not from your head.

[Glenda exits]

Dorothy: Well were did she go? How am I going to get there?

[Enters Walsh]

Walsh: She went to Storybrooke, and I can help you get there.

Dorothy: How?

Walsh: I always find a spare of all the magical items I collect.

"Walsh hands Dorothy another pair of slippers."

Walsh: Just click your heels three times and think of the place you want to go.

Dorothy: Thank you. Can you all watch Toto for me? This could get ugly.

Tin Man: Sure.

"Dorothy clicks her heels three times and disappears."

Setting: Dorothy just popped in Snow's apartment.

Zelena: Why Snow's baby of course?

[Enters Dorothy]

Dorothy: I don't think so.

"Dorothy extends her left hand and white light emerges from her hand and aimes it at Zelena. Zelena bursts into flames and disappears."

Dorothy: I did it!

Emma: Who are you?

Dorothy: I'm Dorothy.

Emma: Of course you are.

Dorothy: I have to get back to Oz.

Snow: Thank you so much.

Dorothy: It was not a problem.

"Dorothy clicks her heels three times and disappears."

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