Chapter 2: A Mission

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Setting: It's a nice warm summer evening in Oz. Once Dorothy and Glenda finished their conversation they went to go meet with Locusta and Gayelette at the Heart of Oz to discuss the growing problem with Zelena. Dorothy and Glenda reach the Heart of Oz. Dorothy was shocked at arrival. The Heart of Oz was in ruins. Zelena had cracked the table in half, she left the trees burnt to s crisp, and center crystal shattered.

Glenda: Welcome back Dorothy.

Dorothy: What happened here!!

Locusta: You can thank Zelena.

Gayelette: When she saw us plotting against her she started to destroy the Heart of Oz.

Locusta: This is whats left of it.

Glenda: This seat has been empty for some time. Now it's time for you to have it. 

"Dorothy takes her seat and sets Toto on her lap."

Dorothy: Thank you. Now how do we solve this witch problem.

[Enters Zelena]

Zelena: Welcome back Dorothy.

"They all stand up."

Glenda: Be gone. We both know you have know power here.

Locusta: What do you want with us.

Zelena: Her.

"Zelena points at Dorothy."

Dorothy: What do you me?

Zelena: Well actually dear I want those slippers back!

Gayelette: Don't give them to her Dorothy. She wouldn't want them if they didn't possessed great power.

Zelena: Then I'll just have to take them myself.

"Zelena surrounds green smoke around Dorothy's slippers to take them, but it fails and leaves the slippers safe on Dorothy's feet."

Zelena: What?! How is that possible?!

Glenda: Once the slippers have touched the feet of innocence they cannot be removed by anyone but the owner.

Zelena: Very well I'll bide my time. As for all of you just stay out of my way.

"Zelena grabs her broom, hops on, and flies away in laughter."

Glenda: Now that she's gone I can give you your mission.

Dorothy: My mission?

Locusta: Yes one that is of pure innocence as you can complete.

Dorothy: What's my mission?

Glenda: Your mission is to find an enchanted fish in an enchanted lake. There he will give a bucket of enchanted water that you must throw at Zelena.

Dorothy: The last time I threw water at Zelena she just regenerated.

Gayelette: This water is enchanted. It can melt away any evil, in this case Wickedness, it touches.

Dorothy: What is the fish's name?

Glenda: Nemo.

Dorothy: How do I get to this lake?

Glenda: Why just follow the

Yellow Brick Road of course.   

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