Papa Bear (Dean x Reader Drabble)

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Credit to Gif creator

Summary: Dean and the pregnant reader have a sweet little moment together.

Word Count: 511

Warnings: None. Just fluff.

Hope you enjoy and please, feel free to drop me a message, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.

Dean had been following you around like a Papa Bear for months, he was being so cuddly and sweet, so affectionate and loving and it was absolutely adorable. Every day he had your heart melting, since the moment he found out you were carrying his unborn baby, you had seen a completely different side of him. Sure, he had always been protective of you, but this, this was on another scale, he wouldn't let you out of his sight and would barely let you lift a finger to do anything for yourself. Now, normally, that would annoy you to no end, but you could understand where his intentions were coming from and so you found yourself indulging his needs. Besides, he was spoiling you rotten and you thought that you might as well lap it up while it lasts.

After swallowing a spoonful of ice cream, you spoke, "Dean, you do know I can feed myself, right?" Turning your head to look at him as he sat next to you on the couch, you saw him ready and waiting with another spoonful just inches away from your mouth. You couldn't help but laugh as his face dropped a little at your words, but the sound of you laughing soon brought a smile to his lips.

"Babe, I just wanna do a good job looking after you, cause you're doing such an amazing job looking after little Dean Jnr, in there," Taking his hand, he pointed to your growing belly, before rubbing over it tenderly and leaning down he began to pepper it with sweet tiny kisses.

Again, you couldn't help but laugh, as you placed your own hand against your belly, rubbing soothingly around your aching side. "You're so sure it's going to be a boy, aren't you? Taking his hand, you placed it directly over your belly button, watching him smile with amazement at the movement under his fingertips. With your hand still over the top of his, you spoke again, "Well, I think you're wrong, I think it's a little girl and she is going to have you wrapped completely around her tiny little fingers."

Dean's face washed over with a look of pure happiness, his eyes filling with such sweet emotion, "If she is anything like her mother, I know I will be wrapped around her little fingers." Giving a little smile, you felt a lump form in your throat, maybe it was just your pregnancy hormones but never had you seen such a look of complete love and devotion in his eyes before and the sight had you wiping away the water gathering at the corners of your own. Dean's face softened at your reaction, his thumb helping to mop away the tears with the hint of a laugh hiding in his voice, "Awww, babe what are you crying for?"

Breaking into a little chuckle at your own overreaction, you took a deep breath and ran your fingers through your hair, "I'm crying Dean because you've kept me waiting far too long for another spoon of ice-cream." 

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