Surrendered (Sam Winchester X Reader - One Shot)

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Credit to the Gif creator

Summary: Sam finally accepts his feelings for the reader.

Word Count: 1127

Warnings: None, maybe its too fluffy!

A/N: I hope you enjoy it and please, feel free to send me a message/comment/ask, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.

Sam tried so hard not to love you, but you wore down his defences. From the moment you stumbled into his life, you had felt like a permanent fixture, a fixture that had always been there, he was just never willing to admit it.

After walking into that abandoned factory, seeing you for the first time strung up in a dream-induced coma, he felt something shift inside of him, permanently changed, never to return to the way it was. With Dean busy killing the Djinn, Sam was free to save you, so pale, you looked so close to death and the sight brought a physical pain to his chest. Taking your motionless arm in his hand, he administered the antidote, your skin was clammy but cold and he knew if they had arrived any later you wouldn't have survived, the very thought effecting him in a way he never thought possible. There were dark shadows under your eyes and your lips were dry and blue, you were practically skin and bone and yet, you were still the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

Cutting you down from the restraints, your body went limp in his arms and as he held you close to his chest, the contact of your body against his gave him a strange feeling of contentment that he had never experienced before. With quick strides, he made his way to the car, as you slowly stirred from unconsciousness, your eyes taking in his strange face and yet, you showed no signs of panic. Somehow you just knew he wasn't there to hurt her. With a weak smile, your voice came in a croaky whisper and although you must have felt close to death, there was humour in your words. "Hello... handsome stranger... where's your shining armour?"

With a silent chuckle, he laid you gently down in the back of the Impala, "It's at the dry cleaners, now please you need to take it easy, you've lost a lot of blood." Seeing Dean make his way out of the building, he took a seat in the back beside you. Lifting your torso up a little, he leaned your head against him so you wouldn't get too light headed and as you nestled into the side of his chest, he felt a strange satisfaction knowing you were now safe in his arms.

Lifting your head, you opened your pale heavy lids, your sweet (EC) eyes looking up into his, filled with complete gratitude as you spoke, "Thank you... I thought I was going to... die in there." After taking a little breath you continued, your voice still weak with fatigue, "I'm... (YN).

Clearing his throat, he wanted to hear the sound of your name roll off his tongue, "Hi (YN), I'm Sam an this is my brother Dean, you're going to be okay, we're on the way to hospital." Your name sounded so natural, so familiar, falling from his lips and he found himself wanting to say it, again and again. Everything about you felt familiar and as they made their way down the road, he tried to ignore the warm feeling beginning to bubble away in his chest.

After arriving at the hospital, they did what they normally would and left you in the hands of the doctors. But as they drove away, the bubbling warmth he tried so hard to ignore, turned hollow in his chest, feeling as though he had left a part of himself behind. And the very next day he found some pitiful excuse to go back, his intention to simply sneak past your room and see if you were improving. Yet the moment he snuck a glimpse through your door, he met with your smiling (EC) eyes, gesturing for him to come in. With the shadows gone from under your eyes and your cheeks and lips no longer pale, you looked stunning and the smile gracing your features had the air catching in his throat.

That was six months ago and today as he watched you lay soundly asleep beside him, your (HC) hair falling in an adorable mess around your beautiful face, he couldn't help but smile. Just how you managed to weave your way into his life, he didn't know, yet as he reached over and gently pulled the blanket up over your bare shoulder, he was so glad that you did. For months he had tried to push you away, but you wouldn't have it, he didn't want you part of this life, you were too sweet, too kind and too perfect to be ruined by everything it entailed. And he knew if you were ever hurt or injured or something far, far worse because he was selfish enough to let himself love you, he would never recover or forgive himself. So at first he pushed you away, pretended he didn't love you, told himself that there was nothing there, but he knew it was a lie and so did you.

As he made his way from your hospital room that day, he told himself, 'That's it, she's fine, she's going to be okay, there's no need to come back.' And he had every intention of walking out the room, never to return.

Though when he reached the door, you called out his name and the sound made his heart swell, when he turned around you asked, "Are you coming back tomorrow?"

Never had a sentence had such an effect, his swollen heart felt as if it would burst, telling himself one more visit would do no harm. Yet, the next day he found you being discharged from hospital, still too weak with nowhere to go and so that 'one more visit' turned into a week at the bunker, then that week turned into a month and before he knew it you were keeping the bed warm beside him.

Gently moving the hair from your sleeping eyes, he realised he had never really had a choice, from the moment you had entered his life you had owned his heart and all the denying and distance in the world would never change that. And now, that he had given in and surrendered to his feelings, he knew there would be no going back, you were a part of him forever and he knew there was nothing in the world he wouldn't do for you. Reaching over he placed a hand to your stirring face, your skin was so soft and warm, leaning across he whispered your name waiting for your hazy eyes to focus and said the words he had wanted to say for so long. The sound as they left his lips feeling more right than any words he had ever said before. "I love you."

Please, feel free to send me a message, feedback is always welcomed and encouraged.

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