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"Happy Birthday to you." A man and a woman's voice circled around me.

"Happy Birthday to you." there was a cake in front of me, there was the number eighteen, scribbled on top of the cake with red icing. There are two people sitting in front of me; One of them has a camera with them and both of their faces are blank?

"Happy Birthday, dear sky-e. Happy birthday..." The voices faded away to a whisper and are replaced with constant beeps. My surroundings faded from the table with the cake and morphed into a hospital room. There, in front of me was my ten-year-old body lying unconscious on the bed.

The same couple that was singing was standing at the end of the bed, talking with the man with a clipboard. He said, " I'm afraid that her parents were not found, would you know any of her family members that would adopt her as their own?"

The man spoke, "All of her family has disowned her, they all think she killed her parents."

"Well then, it looks like once Skye has recovered, she will have to be sent off to an orphanage." The doctor said.

"No!" The woman spoke up. "We promised Mark and Jen that we will always be there for Skye. We will take her in. We will be her family!"

The scene changed again to pitch blackness. Confused, I took a step forward. A stream of light switched on illuminating something shiny on a stand. Blinking, I was blinded from the bright light. Soon alone, a crown fit for a princess appeared in front of me. The Crown had blue jews encased in silver swirls were dotted around it.

Amazed, I reached out to touch the shiny surface. Suddenly the light turned off. Leaving me in the same darkness as before.


The room came into focus as well as the fact that my dream must have been a memory. The start must have been my birthday and that hospital must have been after the accident. That means I'm not ten! I must be eighteen, the cake had the number eighteen on it! Who were those two people and what was with that crown?

I found myself at the door of the room, on the floor. At least I didn't get too far in my sleep because of my broken leg otherwise I wouldn't be able to get back to this home because this world is new and different. Though, how do I get back to bed?

Looking around, I take in my surroundings and look for a way to get back to bed. Just before I give up, I spot a leg just out of hand reach next to me. I crawl closer to the door and pushed it away so, I could get a better view of this person. The leg that I spotted was Cobie's. He was asleep in an armchair next to the door. His expression looked exhausted as if he just fell asleep, after spending the whole night caring to my wounds.

Deciding to ask for his help to get back to bed, I crawled even closer to his chair and slightly shook his leg. Startled, he woke up and looked down at my hand on his leg. He jumped up as he realized that someone grabbed him and stood ready to attack. Realizing that there was no threat, and it was just me; he flopped back onto the chair and rubbed his face. Sleepily he asked, " How did you get... down there?"

"Well, um... well, I sleepwalk." I look away embarrassed, that I had no way to get back to the bed.

He let out a deep sigh, got up and picked me up from the floor. Placing me gently back on the bed, he said, "It looks like you made your leg worse than before with your little walk, so all the time I spent on healing your legs went to waste. I also last night I put some numbing cream on your legs and that should wear off in an hour or two so be prepared because it will hurt."

After his little speech, he left me in the unfamiliar room thinking about what he met. Coming up with nothing, I decided to just go back to sleep. I have nothing better to do! Just before I fell asleep, the voices of the boys heated conversation carried throughout the house and into my dreams.


"Fine!" The sound of glass shattering startled me awake "I will go back home and pretend that I'm you! Geese! Do you know how much trouble you will be in if your parents find out! Cobie! I'm supposed to look after you and keep you out of trouble! Why do you do this to me! oh and tell me this? the girl what is with her? You rarely act this way!" Annoyed at being woken up from a glass breaking. I finally gave into my anger and swung my legs over the bed.

Looking up, I could see Cobie pacing in front of the door. He stopped and yelled, "I DON'T KNOW CRISS! There's something off about her. I can't put a finger on!"

"That was exactly why I said to not take her here! Do you even know who you are! Did you ever think about me and what your parents would do to me if they found out I allowed a murder under the same roof as you! They would kill me! And in the most painful way imaginable!"

"It's not like that!" Cobie's voice lowered as he looked at the floor.

"What is it like then? Do you wish your best and only friend dead! Is that it? Do you wish me dead?" Crisis's voice was filled with sadness as he expressed his inner thoughts.

"That's not it. I do not wish you dead! I just know she means no harm to me or anyone! And no, I don't wish to hurt you or go against my family. But I feel like I need to be with her. I need to be there for her!" with that last word Cobie turned around and spotted me. A flash of pain and worry flashed across his face. I was no longer on the bed I fell on to the floor without me realizing it. I must have stood up and fallen to the ground from the lack of strength in my legs.

Cobie walked over shaking his head and placed me back on the bed. Criss finally broke the silence that fell over the house. "Fine! I'll go but only for a week!" and then slammed the front door.

Lullaby of SadnessWhere stories live. Discover now