Only a Dream

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A week has passed without me knowing and God! How time fly by when having fun.

Criss is still nowhere to be seen.

Cobie has never left my side; He has been helping me here and there getting me things like food and book. Besides that, not much has happened. Though I had enough energy to get out of bed yesterday, with support from Cobie.

Now I have taken refuge under the shade of a tree outside, reading one of the many books in the house. The books I've read differ from the fiction that I would normally read. It's about the history of this planet. I've learnt that I have somehow travelled to an alternative universe or something like that.

Some things I have learnt from the books is that they still call this planet; earth. All the major countries and city names are the same, like America and China. Though the town's and smaller city's names are different, for example, I lived in Rossville but now they call this place Lake Tirror.

"Sk-ye!" Cobie's gentle voice filled the air, snapping me out of my train of thought.

I glanced up to discover him standing in front of me. "Skye it will rain soon! Pack your things up so we can get inside before it pours down."

Rushing I gathered everything and wrapped them up in my jacket. Sliding up the tree for help, Cobie came and held me up.

As we started to walk back to the house, the sky darkened and soon it started to sprinkle.

"Hey, Cobie," I said out of nowhere, which was answered with a grunt. "Where is Criss? We haven't seen him since the start of the week?"

"Places! He'll be back tomorrow night." Criss answered.

Going back to concentrating on the ground, I noticed a sharp stick that stuck out of the ground. Just before the stick was a hooped root in the middle of the path. The root was bent in such a way that it could trip you if your foot entered the hoop. If that happened, Cobie could hurt himself on the stick.

It was too late! Without thinking, I pushed Cobie out of the way bringing me down with him, his body cushioned my fall. Cobie hissed as his ankle twisted in the root.

"Um, you would have gotten hurt if you fell forwards the stick..." My focus drifted away as his breath caressed my nose. Flustered, I spoke up again, "umi'msosorryididntmeanforyoutogethurt..." He cut me off by placing his lips on mine.

"I'm sorry!" Cobie's voice filled the air as his body started to crumble.

"No! What's Happing! COBIE! COBIE!" Cobie's body was now nowhere to be seen.

Shocked I lay down on the wet ground. The rain picked up and soon it was pouring down.

"Skye!" Cobie's voice floated through the air.

"Skye!" His voice repeated in a more panicked tone.

"Skye!" The temperature plummeted, and snow started to fall.

"Skye! Come on! Wake up!" Water soaked my thick jacket, freezing me to the bones.

It was raining? When did it rain again?

"Skye! Come on open your eyes!" his voice rang in my head this time.

Lifting my head to face the rain, something stopped me. My eyes flung open as I bashed foreheads with Cobie. When did he get here? Wasn't... He?... I was in the middle of... Oh God, it was only a dream!

I suddenly lunged towards Cobie and embraced him. "I thought you disappeared! You were gone! Never leave me! Please!" Tears streamed down my face at this point.

"Shh. I'm here! I promise I won't leave you. Ok?" Cobie said as he hugged me back.

"Ok?" I said as I looked up to him with red eyes and a smile.

"Goodness Skye! I swear you have given me grey hairs. I'm only twenty-five!" He dramatically cried. "I'm too young!... My beautiful hair!"

Shaking my head, I giggled. His attempt to distract me worked, and I packed my book up and wrapped them up in my jacket.

Cold, I stood up with my bundle of books in my hand, leaning on the tree for support. Cobie quickly wrapped his arms around my waist as I leaned into him for support.

As we slowly walked towards the house, the rain started picking up. My steps started to slow down as I struggled from the cold seeping through my wet clothing.

Cobie glanced at me as I slowed down. Quickly realising that I wasn't wearing a jacket, he picked me up in his arms and ran for cover.

The sudden action took me by surprise and before I knew it, he placed me in front of the fireplace with a towel draped over my shoulders.

"Goodness, it shouldn't be this cold. It has never been this cold and wet at Rossville?" I whispered confused.

Cobie only shook his head and spoke, "Skye. I have told you Manny times before you are at Lake Tirror, not Rossville."

"God! I wish I can just tell him!" I said shaking my head.

"What do you wish to tell me?" Jumping at the sudden sound, I turned around shocked.

"How did!?"

"You said it out loud Skye!" He turned around and sat on the couch. "And your face is an open book. Even without magic, I can still read your expressions."

"Wait! Magic!?" Magic isn't real it can't be!

"Did you forget about magic too!" Cobie shook his head. "Come sit. I'll teach you."

I have read somewhere in the books he gave me about magic. I just shrugged it off, not believing in a single word. The book itself was very thick it was all about the origins of magic and other important things having to do with magic. I just tossed it onto the read pile, only reading five pages.

But why would Cobie now start talking about magic, like it was real, and as if he could perform it?

Cobie switched to teacher mode and started overwhelming me with information about magic.

"The higher your magic levels are, the higher your social ranking is... There are six major areas..." It was all too much, and I started to tune him out.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice that Cobie suddenly stopped and glared at me.

"Yes?!" I said, feeling tiny and fragile.

"You weren't listening where you?"

I shook my head. Ashamed.

"I was telling you about the seven classes of magic. Each of the classes is different. You have the four major and common classes earth, water, fire, and air. Which you can find in any everyday human-like Criss..." Cobie paused, "and me! The next class is only found in royal blood. Spirit. Then you have the rare two classes light and dark. These powers only occur every millennium."

"So, what power do you have?"

"Well, I have..." a sudden yell interrupted Cobie.

"Cobie! We need to talk!" It was Criss, he was back. It only took him a week.

Cobie turned to me and spoke, "Sky, go to sleep and rest your leg. I'll go speak to Criss ok!"

I nodded my head and picked myself up and before I could take a step, Cobie scooped me up and carried me to my bed.

Once he walked out, I could faintly hear bits and pieces of their conversation. "I couldn't hold on any longer... Your parents found out... Sky... Might be in danger... Go home... Keep Skye safe... Be back in two weeks." I shuffled around to get closer to the door and as I did, they quieted down.

After a few muffled words, I suddenly felt drowsy, and I fell asleep with a feeling of a kiss on my forehead. 

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