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The room was big, with thin air filled with grieving family and friends, if there even is a difference between them at this point. Percy and Frank sat with a still quite shocked Will. After all, he was there when Nico was killed in battle. He saw him die. He saw his sunshine fade away.

An open casket laid at the front of the room. A black and gold box that held the body of a loved friend. Around the room were pictures and items, various memories and treasures being re-lived by the friends gathered here.

The services ended and people trickled out of the room. Jason stayed to help Will with everything. "Will, he couldn't have asked for a better, more caring person to have on his side. He loves you up above too" he said, hugging Will

"I appreciate it Jason". Will took a deep shaky breath. "C-can I have a mo-o-oment alone with him?" Jason nodded, hugged Will and left the room.

Will say down in a velvet chair, and sobbed. His sunshine. His forever was gone. He was alone in the world without the love of his life. His death boy. Nico.. the one person who made Will feel that the world wasn't always a mess, and that good things come out of it. His light was all gone.

Will looked back at the casket. And something seemed.. off. He approached Nico to see that the seemingly dead corpse was in a different position than they had left him in. Will squinted and leaned in towards Nico

"I know you're not dead"

Nico sat up, "No fucking shit Sherlock"

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