Not goodbye, see you later

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"You don't have to go." Lauren said as I stood in her doorway saying goodbye.

"But I want to."

"Why?" She asked tearing up.
"I know you'll come back but why go to begin with?"

"Cause life is boring being a woman. I'll write you every day about what it's like." I said hugging her.

"Oh god, your gonna hate it," she said which made me laugh.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't."

"I hate your view of life."

"Many people hate it to! But I love it."

"Are you going straight to training?"She asked

"No because I used Alex's name." I say and sigh after saying my brothers name.

"So that means?" She asked hopping I will continue her sentence.

"That he has already been through training, which he told me all about, and he/me doesn't have to go through it again, I'm taking the bus with all the new candidates, well we pick them up on the way to the boat." I explained to the worrying Lauren.

"What if this is a bad idea and you get caught?!" She said.

"Then I go to jail, at least I think." I said starting to question what would happen if I did get caught.

"God, I feel like a shit friend for not talking you out of this." She said and pulled me in for another hug.


"WAIT WILL YA!" I yelled at my taxi driver.

"I got to go now."

"Oh please remember to write me! NEVER FORGET THAT!" She said.

"I promise." I responded and started to walk away.

"Wait I have something for you!" She said and ran inside and returned with a tiny machine and headphones.

"I made this a couple of years ago, remember? I told you I would make you one but I never did?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"Take it. I don't use it that much and you would probably enjoy it." She said and I took it saying thank you then started to walk to the taxi.

"HEY! FOR THE RECORD YOUR HAIR LOOKS GOOD!" She yelled after me which made me laugh.

"LOVE YOU!!!" I said as I got in the back seat.


I heard a soldier yell out, or maybe the commander, never mind it's just the conductor. Oh god I'm starting to re-think this.

Think about Alex, think about all the people your helping, Japs you'll kill.

"Ah fuck it!" I whispered listening to the voice in my head.

My voice as naturally pretty deep so I wouldn't need to worry about that. My hair was short enough, my clothes, well, it was the uniform they gave us so I blended in pretty well, my boobs are small to begin with so it looked like nothing, so people won't have a hard time believing I'm a man.

The train station was surrounded with girlfriends and wives saying goodbye, parents and siblings wishing them luck, and friends and children wanting to go with them.

Then there was me, a mess, well I mean emotional.

I had a friend who was a doctor there who knows I'm coming, his letter that I received was filled with happiness, all my friends knew that it will take more then a couple of japs to kill me. He said that he'll make sure if I ever need help that I go to him no one else.

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