"Fuck off"

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Alexander's P.O.V

Dear Lauren,

This is my first letter to you, well first half. I have nothing to do on this damn train ride besides daydream and listen to your music. I met Jeff Dunham's son, his name is Peter, I'll send a photo of him if I get one, and yes I did bring my camera.

"ALL ABOARD!!" Yelled the conductor as we came to a halt.

I look to the window on my right and grab my camera to take photos that'll probably end up on the news paper, hopefully.

"This seat taken?" I heard a young man ask while I was putting my camera way.

"Nope." I say and sit back up properly.

"All yours." I say and move my arm to be in front of me like I was giving him some kind of prize. As he smiled and took a seat while I grabbed my letter and put it away.

"Names Eugene, Eugene Sledge." He said putting his hand in front of him for me to shake.

"Alexander Marverson." I respond and shaking his hand.

"You got a brother by any chance?" I ask.

"Ya, he's over in Italy right now fighting another war." He said looking down.

"Ya, my sister is a nurse over there, said he's a good man." I said trying to make light of the situation. The way I actually new of his brother is because my brother became friends with him until they parted ways.

"Your sister any good looking?" He asked laughing a little.

"Fuck off." I say laughing along with him while shaking my head.

"Got any friends over where we're going?" I asked.

"Ya, 1, names Sidney Phillips." He said.

"You?" He asked back.

"I have a friend who's a doctor and one who's a sergeant." I say.

"Doctors name is Matthew, sergeant goes by dog man, god know why." I say shaking my head.

"I also know a soldier who's somewhere on here, his names Peter Dunham. Nice man, I met him through his father." I said remembering Peter from earlier.

"Must be nice knowing so many people." He said sighing.

"Just because I'm surrounded by people who I know doesn't mean they know me." I say quoting a book I read awhile back.

"What's that?" He asked pointing to the letter that kid gave me back at the station.

"Some kid ran up to me told me to give it to Robert Leckie, from a girl called Vera Keller, know one of them?" I asked looking down to the letter beside me.

"The name Leckie sounds familiar. Probably from a letter that got from Sidney." He said making us both fall into silence.

"You been to war before?" He asked.

"Was there last year, got sent home around this time because of my heart problems, which got better so I came back."  I said.

"Ya, I'm new as you can tell, I also got a heart problem. My dad didn't want me to come because of it." He said shaking his head making me grin.

"You win that fight the way we're going win this war?" I asked.

"Yup." He said chuckling.

"HEY! Sledge! Com'er!" I heard someone call out.

"See ya Marverson."Sledge said getting up nodding his head goodbye.

"See ya Sledge." I say returning the nod.

"GET ON THE SHIP MEN!" A commander yelled once we got to the docks.

"Hey! Marverson! WAIT UP!" I heard someone yell.

Once I turn around I see it was Peter.

"Hello Peter." I say annoyed because I just wanna be left alone.

"Saw ya talking to that Sledge boy, wasn't his brother friends with your brother?" He asked.

"I have a sister, and I don't appreciate you calling her a guy." I say looking at him dead in the eye while walking backwards.


"SIR!" I yelled back and walked straight ahead.

"God Your annoying." Peter said.

"Won't be saying that when I'll be saving your ass from dying." I stated.

"Ya right, your strong, hell, your impossible to shoot cause you move so damn fast! But you won't be saving my god damn life even if I asked." He said.

"Gonna love telling your dad about this choice in your life." I say as his face drops.

"You wouldn't." He said seriously.

"Oh I would buddy!" I Say smirking.

"Are you trying to make my life a living hell?" He asked

"You better believe it!" I say walking ahead of him.

𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘮𝘱 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘐 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵

"Hey Marverson! We're going on deck! You can see the land from this distance. Wanna come?" I heard Oswald (Eugene introduced us earlier) ask threw the crowd of people.

"Sure!" I yelled back walking towards them.

"Marverson!" I heard Peter yell out making me turn around only to come face to face with him.

"Didn't know you could run Dunham." I stated.

"There's a time and place for every thing, just wanted to say if we don't see each other again it was nice meeting you. Thank you for caring about my dad by the way." He said.

"Like hell we won't see each other! I can tell you this now, if your father can win a war blind you better bloody win a war with your 2 god damn eyes Peter." I respond

"ALEXANDER MARVERSON!" I heard Eugene call out.

"I got to go, don't die on me Dunham." I say patting his shoulder and running towards Eugene and Oswald.

"What took you so long?" Sledge asked.

"I had to finish my juice box!" I replied.

"Alright juice box, lets get that view alright?" Oswald said patting my shoulder and walking past me.

"Looks like hawaii" Oswald said.

"No it doesn't." Eugene said.

"Like hell it does!" I said at the same time as Eugene.

"NOW LANDING!" We heard some one yell out.

"What company you with Juice box?" Oswald asked.

"K company" I respond.

"Same here." Eugene said.

"Let's go find the others and we can head down and find the bunks together." He said.

"Sounds good to me."

(I only remember Oswald and Eugene from the scene where they go on deck and look at land but please tell me if you know who the other guy that was there to)


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