Luckiest Human Meet Unluckiest Human

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I had just finished my second cup of coffee when I hear a knock at the door. Already knowing who it is, I quickly hide all my guns and stuff in my closet in my room upstairs.

I look around and my house looks pretty decent. Not like I just cleaned it last week, definitely not. I'm not messy at all!

I have never thought a worse lie...

I open the front door to be met with john.

"Hey Alex! How are you doing?" He asks.

"I've been good. Tired, but good" i reply.

"Well I have something planned for today"

"I dont know..."

"Come on, you're always home or doing work, whatever that is. You can't exactly do that"

"Well what do you have in mind?"

He steps to the side and theres a girl in a blue dress standing in his place.

"Alex, I'd like you to meet my friend " He says with a grin.

Im entirely confused but decide just go with it.

"Hi, my name is Elizabeth Schuyler" she says.

"Alexander Hamilton" I shake her hand and she blushes slightly. "Hey guys I'd love to stay and chat but-"

My work phone vibrates with a new message. Good, i dont have to make up any excuses.

I take out my phone and read the message. Yay me, someone will give me $2000 if i kill some guy named king george!

"Sorry guys, i gotta go. You dong have to leave but dont go in my room" I say while sprinting upstairs.

"You always say that but don't say why" John groans.

"Just don't! Its uhh haunted!"

I take a quick shower and grab my pistol. Then i ran out the door in an attempt to avoid any unwanted conversation.

I was told George lives in a mansion because hes royalty and- holy shit! Mansion is an understatement. Well, a jobs a job.




Alex sprinted out the door for some unknown reason. Something I noticed immediately was that he left his phone. I pick it up.

"John, I don't think you should go through his phone. That's his personal business" Eliza warns.

"Im not snooping of anything. Im just... Just...look at this" i trail off.


I show her the message Alex received before leaving. Something about 2000 dollars and George.

"What do you think it means?" I ask.

"I dunno... What does Alexander have to do with the guy who comes from royalty?"

" I dont know. Oh! I have an idea! What if we do some sort of steakout and find out what he's really doing"

"You're weird"

"Thats not a no though"

"I guess youre right. Lets do it!"

We find spots in the house to hide before alex got back.


I get back home at around 11:30 pm. Royalty is hard to kill. But i got $2,000 so it was worth it!

I toss my gun on the couch and head upstairs to the bathroom. I glance at myself in the mirror.

Holy crap my hair grew a lot in such a short amount of time! Ok maybe im just exagerating but still.

And i- nope nevermind. I still have peach fuzz. Eventually it might be a a million years!

I sigh and wash the blood off my hands. Yeah, turns out when you point a gun at someone they dont stay still enough for you to shoot. I ended up stabbing George and was hired to kill other people right after. I cant help but feel it was the wrong guy though...

I'm taken out of my thoughts when I hear a noise downstairs.

I sprint down and grab my pistol.

"Hello? If you're here to rob me I have a gun!" I yell.

No response. Maybe sleep wouldn't be such a bad thing right now. And with that, I fall asleep on the couch with my arm dangling to the side; still holding the gun.


I hear light snoring and glance to see Alex asleep on the couch. He's actually kinda cute.

"John, you're blushing. Do you like him?" Eliza whispers.

"Maybe, i don't know..." I sigh.

"Well then find a time to tell him. If it doesn't work out you can still be friends"

"I guess"

We're about to leave when someone's phone starts ringing. I check my pockets but its not mine. I look towards Eliza but realize she left her phone in my car.

Its Alex's. And he woke up almost immediately.


I groan when my phone starts ringing and roll off the couch. Ow.

Its Washington. I answer the call.

"Before you ask, no he's not dead yet"

Well son I really dont want to fire you-

"Stop right there. I'm not your son. Never was. Never will be. Continue" I walk to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. I dont care for sleep at this point.

Wow. Well i dont want to fire you because actually care and dont want you to die

"Then dont let your son die! I'm-...i really hate you sometimes" I growl.

He laughs a bit. You dont but ok. Just kill Laurens as soon as possible

"What do you think ive been trying to so? Make a new government? Honestly though, hes the luckiest guy I've ever met. Ive tried almost everything. Besides, i think..."


"I-it's nothing...hey random question..."


"What would happen if... If you started to fall for someone you're supposed to kill?" I swear if he realizes why im asking...

Simple, you'd both be killed. Why do you ask? Are you-

"N-no! Not at all! Im just asking! Im sure maybe its Jefferson or someone else and-"

I choke on my coffee as soon as I turn around. I saw 2 people in my house and i wasnt sure how to react.

One was the girl from this morning.

The other was John Laurens.

"Ok, nobody move and no one dies" i say while raising my pistol in defense.

What the hell is going on?!

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