Chapter 7: A Merchant's Worst Nightmare Pt 1.

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                                         8th Month of the Yumas Calendar

The night is young, and the streets are still bustling with nightlife, especially the red light district. The city of Belcroft, divided into four districts representing different purposes. The northern district representing the administration, the western district representing the residential district, also where the orphanage is located. The Eastern Market place, and finally the southern guard distract near the main entrance to the town.

Usually, there wouldn't be a guard district in a typical town, but since this town is developing very quickly, a guard district is needed, even more so since this city is a border city

The guards patrol the wall of the city more attentively due to rumors of activity in the nearby forest, no one knows if it was just people from the town guild, monsters, or somebody else. But the guards did know that it was their job to take care of this city. So as the night progresses and until it ends, the guards remain attentive.

The sun slowly rises on the town of Belcroft from the east side, illuminating the brisk architecture of the districts. Certain people of the orphanage are starting their morning routines, to get ready for their weekday. The streets are starting to get more bustling, more so than the night-life. Vendors and stalls getting ready in the marketplace. Everyone began to work, work until the day has ended and a new one began.

In this time, thus four years have passed.

"Clovie!!" [Lucy]

"Clover!! [Hazel]

Lucy and Hazel are running down the corridor of the hallway towards Clover. Clover is a little surprised by this and steps back in a slight panic.

Clover thinks to himself in desperation. 'Did they find out I took their portion of cookies last night?' Clover prepares himself for death.

Immediately to Clover's surprise, Lucy and Hazel hid behind Clover and something is seen running behind them. A small four-legged animal.

Clover observes the animal running towards his direction, Lucy and Hazel are panicking behind him while grabbing onto the back of his shirt.

"He's the devil!!" [Lucy]

"Help us, Clover!" [Hazel]

The small four-legged devil is running at a fast speed, and once it reaches with arm's length, Clover quickly picks up the four-legged devil.

"Ruff! Ruff!" [Sebastian]

"Aww, how can you guys be scared of our new orphanage pet. He a cute little dog that wouldn't cause harm." [Clover]

"That devil ripped one of my clothes to shreds!!" [Lucy]

Clover thought, 'Well, you should probably stop leaving your clothes on the ground then.' But he didn't want to say that out loud to incur Lucy's wrath. Lucy followed into the footsteps of auntie Alicia in terms of punishments.

"H...H...He, tried to jump on me so many times." [Hazel]

Well knowing how shy Hazel is too new things, I guess this would make her nervous and slightly scared. Clover decides to have Sebastian lay down in his arms and face Lucy and Hazel.

Sebastian is just laying there breathing heavily from the running and wagging his tail.

"See, he means no harm, besides he's a puppy. You need to train him well, isn't this one of your duties to take care of Sebastian as training to take care of orphans in the future?" [Clover]

Lucy and Hazel jolt at the realization that priestess Alicia and priestess Renner did say to take care of Sebastian, and this could be training or a test.

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