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(your pov)
I woke up and stretched I stood up but fell onto the ground letting out a yelp my ass hurt like hell probably from yesterday I yelled for Anti go come here "did you have to do it so hard" I asked him he replied with a giggle then a nod I growled he picked me up and got me dressed then walked to the kitchen because I was starving my belly growls loudly I blushed. I had a hoodie to cover the hickeys Anti had made.

(Anti's pov)
Y/n couldn't walk for a little so I carried her everywhere her belly growled loudly so I brought her to the kitchen and made her f\f she was sitting in a chair drinking coffee (you can change it if you don't drink coffee) I finally finished putting a plate in front of her she started eating.

(time skip)


(your pov)
I started thinking about everything Wilford has done to me I could walk now I hated my self so much. I got up and walked to the bathroom I sat down and broke a razor I whispered "I'm so sorry Anti..."
Blood ran down my arm I did this to my other arm as well blood dripped onto the floor I sobed quietly. I then wrapped my arm with bandages and cleaned the blood then I hid the razor blade In the trash I sighed and walked out putting on one of my f\c hoodie so no one would see the cuts made.

(Anti's pov)
I was sitting on the couch and y/n walked by I grabbed her wriste pulling her down to cuddle but in stead I heard a yelp from y/n she pulled her arm back rubbing her wrist I was confused I looked at her the idea of her cutting herself came in but I shook it out she wouldn't do that would she I then grabbed her hand pulling up her sleeves to reavel bandages with blood seeping through them I teared  up and pulled her into a hug "baby why..... Why makes cuts on your beautiful skin....." she shook her head then told me why I held her kissing the cuts.

(your pov)
I hate my self even more Into has now found out I cut myself I didn't want him to but he did. It kinda hurt when he was kissing the cuts but I smiled I nuzzled into his neck as he wrapped my arm back up with bandages he then picked me up and walked to are room he lays me down then later beside of me I think cuddling would be are favorite thing so far!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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