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My family owned a Halloween store in the front of a busted up Best Buy. The back was a maze of old appliance displays, rendering it the best place to let our imaginations run wild. My friends and I played cops and robbers, had adventures, and told ghost stories in the dark when we were left alone, but it all went wrong the day we played "haunted". We ran around catching ghosts and bagging corrupt baddies, our minds running wild and plot lines making no sense.

The sun was going down, We had caught our last villain of the night and were "interrogating" him in a dark corner, our first mistake, laughing and putting on our scariest voices. Then the lights went out a few aisles down. I seemed to be the only one to notice, my eyes widening and heart beginning to race. I got up, motioning for the rest to follow me, completely afraid to speak.The others ignored me. I crept over to a corner, tucking myself tightly against the wall to try and peek down the aisles, just as a seemingly endless wave of black passed my shoulder. I glanced to my right, paralyzed, as my friends were engulfed, their screams ringing in my ears. Then the world went dark as it turned on me. 

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