Chapter 1

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"What!" Katherine shouted. It was all, she could think about.

"Calm down, Katherine. It is not a tragedy. I thought you're in this business long enough, to see, it is just a kiss. And anyway, Sebastian is pretty hot, isn't he?" Evie (stylist) said, as she was making Katherine's hair.

'Well, kiss him yourself, then!' Came to Katherine's mind, but she just sadly said: "You know it, dear, none of these things is 'just' for me..."

"To be a good actress, you usually have to kiss people..."

'Don't tell me those bullshits, darling, I'm really nervous...' wanted Katherine to say. But she knew, her face and hair would look awful, if she argued with Evie. "I have to go for a walk, Evie. I'll try to understand, how normal it is..."

"That's my girl," Evie smiled.

'Yeah, he is sexy, but that's not all that matters...' argued Katherine with herself, watching her silver shoes. But she shouldn't do that, because she ran into someone.

"I'm sorry," she answered immediately.

"It was my fault, Katherine," Sebastian smiled, and she was not sure what to say, when she noticed, who it is.

"Are you alright? You look, like you've worried..."

'God, I won't talk with about this...' "I'm fine. There're just too much things going on. I have to go out sometimes..."

"Really?! We can go out... together... maybe tonight..." smiling, like he wants to have a date with me.... Wait, he wants! oh great, Katherine thought.

"I don't actually think, date is a good idea.." she said, hoping he will be like 'okay, maybe later...'

"Than it doesn't have to be a date! We can just go out, drink something... trust me, you will not worry that much, after amazing night..."

I wish I was not that into long, crazy nights, Katherine thought, as she said "Fine. Pick me up at 9... i have to find my party shoes..."

"You can go barefoot, if you'd like. It'll be amazing night anyway..."

Give me a chance (Sebastian Stan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now