Chapter 2

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"So... where are we going?" Asked Katherine, fixing her hair in Sebastian's car.

"Well," he started, still watching Katherine's red glitter dress, " you can choose, if you'd like, but I know one cool place.

"I guess, I will trust you then. But if someone tries to drug, or kidnap me, you should know, i have a knife." Katherine said, with totally serious face.

"You don't trust people, do you?" Sebastian smiled.

"Men especially. But yeah. I like where I live, but some people don't know the girl's difference between having fun and being raped. Nevermind..."

"I can promise you, dear, nothing will happen to you with me..." he said. She smiled ironically.

"What a boring night then..." Making her smile and joke. Goal.

"You really like vodka?" Seb asked, surprised.

"Hell, no." She said, having second drink at a nice bar with good music and not that much people, but quite laud. "When you start to like alcohol, you have a problem. It just doesn't taste 'that' bad... what do you, usually drink then?"

"Whiskey. But that's not for girls. It doesn't taste very good. Or even good..." Katherine was not sure, if she has tried whiskey yet. She doesn't drink alcohol. Only sometimes. Like now.

"Alcohol for boys and for girls? I won't be even drunk, honey," Katherine replied then.

"Challenge?" He smiled, very fascinated.

"Maybe. But more like a fact." She said, provoking.

"Challange accepted. In the morning, we will dance together in a fountain." Seb looked, like he has already choosed one.

"That doesn't sound very legal, but it's still fun. And it's quite moral. Can't wait." Katherine laughed, thinking about running because of cops...

When it came to their 5th drink, they were drunk a bit.

"Wanna dance?" He asked.

"Sure," Katherine agreed and they both took one more vodka before.

Quick song stopped, and slow one came. Katherine didn't know what to do, but Sebastian took her in arms and their bodies came closer.

"Will you tell me now, why were you so nervous darling?" Seb whispered.

"Secret for secret," Katherine whispered back, her head lying on his shoulder.

"Okay. Well... I talked with directors. I told them, I want you to kiss me..."

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