New experiances

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Y/n's pov
I was just waking up, I panicked as I realized I was late for my shift...oh wait I do not have a job anymore. Great, how the fuck am I going to feed my cats now? Daisy came over to me meowing, she was hungry, they all were, so was I. But my fat ass could wait. Maybe I should just stop eating entiraly so someboy rich would finally notice me and take me. The more your bones showed the better these days. I stroaked her fur gentlly as I heard the other cats strarting to meow with her. My heart ached since I knew I had absoloutley nothing for them. I coudn't bare seing innocent things suffering. Sudenlly I rememberd. Brian had given me 200£ yeaterday. Then last nights events all started to hit me like a train one by one. I started shaking to the thought of what life had in plan for me now. I rememberd everything and everyone. Oh yes John,
welp atleast I have a cool story, but noone to tell It to.

Now I had to make up my mind,pay half of this months rent and stay in my flat a bit longer before being kicked out to one of those one room shelters again? I was forced to pick the first option, but what about my cats? At this point, they were the only living things that understood me. I could cry and went to them. They took it quite well I must admit. I'd probablly have to go to the nearest restaurant's trash and look for some bones as I sometimes did. Yeah, thats sadlly gonna happen again. I decided to get out of bed and head to my stove. I took out some water and heated It, making myself coffe. Black and bitter, just how I liked It these days.

I was fidling in my cabinet for my last box of cigarettes, when my phone started ringing caused me to jump. Nobody, NOBODY ever called me except that social worker who bugged me for my rent being late and the lanlord complaining about the meowing cats. With my coffe in hand I walked to my sitting area, sat down and anwserd, being a bit nervous, knowing who It would be.

"Hello, hi, um is this Angie? Or wait no, sorry darling , y/n is it?: *in the backround- how can you fuck up that name you wanker*

"Hello, yes this is her, Mr. Mercury?"

"Oh please don't call me that, or Fred, Freddie is fine. Brian told me what happend last night and we all felt an awful sense that we needed to help you in some way, I have a feeling you need It dear, I saw It in your eyes, I know this is overwhelming, but would you mind me coming over for afternion tea so we could get to know eachother?"

At this point, the occurances in the last 24 hours had all shocked me so so much that I just decided to let go and follow this unrealistic scenario ahead.

"Oh, well um I woudn't mind in the slightest, at what time would you come"

"At about 3p.m. love, would that suit you?"

"Yeah thats perfect, also please don't feel pitty for me I am okay, no need to create a huge deal of this really"

I don't know why I said that. Probablly cause I felt like I was being baby talked like a child in need. I did not like that. Sadlly they have no fucking idea what I've been through to be able to understand my emotions

"Don't worry, we're not a charaty who consists of misfits, thats not what I'm implying dear, anyways see you later!"

The line broke off. Great. Just great. I had 2 hours to clean my filthy apartment and get out and steal tea and biscuits since I didn't have any.
I chugged the hot coffe and went to the sink washing everything around It. Then I moved to the living spaces and cleaned everything out of sight. One good thing the bar taught me was how to work quickly. I was just about done and didn't realize that a whole hour had passed. I was begining to wash my teeth and putting on my outfit when I saw my bass on the side of my matress. I didn't like to admit It, but I was pretty good at It. My mother taught me how to play alot of instruments when I was little but If I only had them all so I could still pratice. I knew I had to hide it before he came so I woudn't be asked unneded questions.

The Smell Of Cigarettes / John Deacon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now