7. Horror Movies.

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Preference 7. Horror Movies.

ASHTON:Per his insistence, the room is dark, the only source of light being the television. The two of you are cuddled together under a blanket, his head resting on your shoulder and your arms around his chest. Your bodies stiffen as the suspenseful music starts once more. A shadow nearby makes you jump, the both of you screaming in unison when Michael jumps up from behind the nearby chair. Your hand flies to your chest while you breathe deeply, Ashton grabbing the remote and throwing it in the direction of his bandmate's cackles. Giggling, a quick kiss is pressed to his cheek before you relax once more.

CALUM:Pulling the blanket over you head, your fingers tighten in the fabric as Calum attempts to loosen your grip. "Aww, come on, baby, it's just a movie," he laughs, voice muffled slightly, "you can come out now. I'll protect you from the big, bad serial killers." Poking your head out of the blanket, you glare at him, pouting. His laughter turns into an affectionate smile, leaning down to press his lips to your forehead. "Time for bed, princess. I'll even lock all the doors and help you scare the shit out of Luke to make you feel better." You grin before removing the blanket, taking his outstretched hand.

LUKE:"Get off your phone, you little shit," you complain, kicking his thigh gently, "the light's ruining the atmosphere!" Luke snorts and rolls his eyes, but locks his phone regardless. Blowing a kiss at him, you giggle before turning your attention back to the movie. Copious amounts of blood and twisted metal occupy your mind, the blond's fingers tracing patterns on your legs distracting you moments later. "Luke," you warn, huffing when he ignores you. Draping his chest over yours, he attaches his lips to your neck, your view of the television being obscured by fluffy blond strands. "I hate you sometimes."

MICHAEL:A wince is pulled from your lips as one of the character's is ripped in half, hiding your face in the crook of Michael's neck. "We don't have to watch this if you don't want to, babe," his words are sincere though his tone is amused, "I won't be mad. Promise." You shake your head, snuggling deeper into his chest, risking a glance at the television. As the movie eases, you can feel the tension slipping from your body. The killer suddenly pops out, making you jump, accidentally elbowing the brunette in the ribs. "Okay, that's enough," he groans, switching the television off. "That was good shot."

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