109. Your Baby Says ' Daddy ' For The First Time.

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Preference 109. Your Baby Says ' Daddy ' For The First Time.

Michael - “I still can’t believe she hasn’t said her first word yet.” Michael said, sighing as Mackayla was playing with her toy on the mat Michael bought for her. “It’s okay babe, maybe she isn’t ready yet?” “She’s a year old.” “Still.” “Still? How much time does she need?” You shrugged, continuing to eat as Michael sighed, continuing to watch t.v. Mackayla was giggling, thrashing her toy around as it flung from her hands. She gasped, trying to reach for it but she realized she couldn’t find it. She flipped over onto her stomach, grunting when she saw the toy out of reach. She started to whine as she reached for it, Michael’s gaze adverting down to her. “Daddy.” You and Michael both gasped, as Mackayla reached for her toy still. “Daddy!” She said even louder, Michael chuckling as he handed her her toy, before lying down next to her. “Yeah, daddy.” He kissed her head, as she giggled.

Luke - “Say dadadadada.” Luke cooed to your 1 year old, kissing his sons leg as you rolled your eyes at him. “Say mamamamama.” You cooed, biting your lip as your son smiled at you. “He’s so going to say mommy.” Luke scoffed, shaking his head as he rolled his eyes. “He’s going to say daddy and i’m going to get my twenty bucks.” Kaiden started to coo and both of your heads perked up, in hopes he would say mommy or daddy. Kaiden took a hold of his feet, cooing again as he looked at the two of you before him. He let go of his feet, reaching for Luke as he grabbed a hold of his daddy’s hair, tugging on it. “Ouch!” Luke said, you chuckling as Kaiden let go. “Daddy!” You gasped, Luke gasping too as he smiled. “Yeah daddy!” He started to cheer as Kaiden clapped. “Where’s my twenty babe?” You rolled your eyes, slapping it into his hands as you crossed your arms.

Ashton - You and Ashton laid in bed, cuddling as your favorite movie played on the t.v. Daniel was in his nursery, supposedly sleeping but he wasn’t. “When is he going to hush?” Ashton asked, chuckling as he kissed your temple, you cuddling closer to him. In the monitor, you could hear him cooing. He would giggle every now and then, but mostly cooing and having a conversation with himself. “He’s been doing that for almost half an hour.” You said, sighing as you snuggled your nose into Ashton’s neck. “Whoever he’s talking to is getting an earful.” You both laughed, returning back to your movie as a sound caught your attention. “Ash?” He hummed as you reached over him, grabbing the baby monitor as he propped up on his elbows. “Listen.” He cooed more, before he squealed. “Daddy!” You both sprang up, running to his nursery as Daniel was holding his feet straight up in the air. You both leaned over his crib, him squealing. “Daddy!” “Oh my god! He said daddy!” Ashton picked up his son, smiling as he kissed his chubby cheeks. “Why didn’t you say mommy first?” You asked, pouting as Ashton smirked, kissing your cheek. “He’s definitely a daddy’s boy.”

Calum - You and Calum arrived at the park, smiling as basically no one was here. “Can I push her in the swing?” Calum asked, pouting as you giggled. “You’re such a child, yes you can.” Calum clapped as he got Olivia out of her car seat, literally running over to the swings as you grabbed her bag. Just as you sat down, you smiled as Calum was making faces at her, causing her to giggle. “Don’t let her fall out!” You screamed at them, as Calum shot his middle finger at you, you giggling as you relaxed. Just as you closed your eyes, you heard Calum scream. “Y/N!” You ran over to them, Olivia smiling as Calum held her on his hip as a huge grin was on his face. “Ask her who am I.” You furrowed your brows before smiling at your daughter. “Olivia, who’s holding you?” “Daddy!” She replied, you gasping as Calum nodded. “Yeah, daddy’s got his girl.” You smiled, kissing her as he pushed you away. “I’m obviously her favorite.” He said, doing a hair flip as you scoffed. “You wish, buddy.”

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