64. How He is With Your Kids.

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Preference 64. How He is With Your Kids.

Ashton: You and Ashton had three kids. You had a 7 year old son and twin three year old daughters. Ever since they were born, Ashton had always wanted to be very involved with their live. He would offer to drive your son to soccer practice and music lessons or accompany your daughters to dance classes. His favorite activity to do with your kids was to go shopping for groceries. They always came home home with more food and snacks than you needed. Ashton would even play tea party with your little girls and wake up early to get your son breakfast before school. Whenever an interviewer asked how the kids were, Ashton’s face would light up and he’d always say “I love my family more than anything.” with a big smile.

Luke: You and Luke had a five year old daughter. He always encouraged her to be creative. When he wasn’t on tour, he spent as much time as he possibly could with her. You would sometimes come home from work to find them fingerpainting in the kitchen or drawing. When your daughter went to school, she had an art class. One day she came home and proudly handed Luke a bracelet made of macaroni noodles. “I made this for you, daddy!” she said with a big smile. There was a little black blob drawn onto one of the “beads” and Luke asked what it was. “It’s a penguin daddy cause I know you like them.” Luke was so happy with the bracelet that he wears it as a good luck charm when he performs.

Calum: You and Calum have a twelve year old daughter and an 8 year old son. Cal loved to spoil them both. He would always bring home presents for them when ha came home from tour. Your daughter was a total daddy’s girl and he was very protective of her. Calum taught your son how to play video games and now had some pretty good competition. Your son was a fast learner and continued to beat Calum’s high score. Calum insisted that you and your kids have a family pizza night where you could find out what was going on in your kids’ lives. You’d talk about school or their friends or whatever topic you wanted.

Michael: You and Michael had a one year old daughter. Michael loved to sit on the floor with her and make funny faces or play with her toys. He would always dress her up in cute baby clothes and would always want to take her to work with him. She was his pride and joy. He’d even gotten a tattoo of her baby footprint. He would often just lay on the couch and let her fall asleep on his chest. He’d lay perfectly still for hours just watching her sleep and gently rubbing her back.

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