Chapter 28

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Olivia's perspective~

I was sitting in the back seat of the car talking to Sam and Dean when Sam mentioned about the night Dean and I had.

I could feel my face heat up and I tried to cover it but Sam still saw and started chuckling.

I also heard Summer ask me what he means but I did not want to answer because I was to embarrassed to say it. So I thought of the only solution to this.

"Do you hear that I'm needed elsewhere. I'll meet you guys at the bunker." I blurted our and popped somewhere else.

I didn't stay long for a reply.

The 'flight' was weird. I felt the wind in my hair but once I landed, I crashed. I fell right onto someone's couch and table.

I stood up and brushed myself off of any debris.

"Smooth Landing, olivia." I said to myself seeing that no one was here.

That's what I thought anyways.

"Hello, olivia is that you?" I heard a guy's voice in the other room.

I turned around in time to see Chuck standing in the door frame. I was inside his house.


"Oh hey umm Dad. How are you?" I sat down in the chair that I didn't break yet and crossed my legs and placed my hand over my lap. I tried to avoid the fact I broke into his house by accident.

"Olivia, i didn't expect you to be here so soon. How are you?" He asked sounding a little nervous for some reason.

"I'm good. You know just becoming alive again. See the world once more. You know the usual." I jokily said towards him. He was upset about the way I said it.

"Don't worry I'm fine really. I actually was meaning to drop by and say hello anyways." I said to avoid any unwanted tension.

"Well hi then. Look Liv it's not a good time right now to visit." I looked at him strangely.

"What do you?" I asked but I soon got my answer.

I saw Becky walk out in one of Chucks shirts and loose shorts.

"Oh I see. I'll umm see myself out then. Don't want to ruin that." I pointed basically everywhere towards them. I wanted to gag a little but restrained myself from doing so.

"Oh Olivia when did you get here. You need anything. I can fetch you a drink or something. That's if my little muffin pie is ok with that." She rubbed her head on Chuck.

I almost lost my meal that I didn't have up over the living room area.
"No I'm good I'm heading out anyways. See ya you two love birds." I snapped my fingers just as I left his house through the door.

I turned once more before fully stepping out and finger salutes towards the two. "Have fun you two."

With that I left. I checked my phone for the time when I saw I got a text message from Summer.

Olivia, we had to stop at a motel. Meet us there. It's Riverdale, Utah. It's a small motel called Motel 6. Room 112. Lower level.

Meet you soon.

I shook my head and breathed. I concentrated on where the place See was talking about was.

I saw her walking around in a decent size motel room with Dean and Sam sitting in the table.

They were talking about something but I couldn't hear to well.

I was about to leap when I heard the door open behind me. I realized I was still standing on the porch of Chucks house.

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