Chapter 2

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Lui's POV
Ugh that hurt! I should've just stayed and rest! I'll get him back for this. Not sure how though. I swim around thinking how I can mess with him. I was interrupted by a loud laugh. I looked through the glass to see Valt and Xander talking. I forgot today is training day. I hate Monday's. The training is useless in my opinion. It's just Xander yelling at us while we jump over hoops. Maybe Valt will there while we're training. Maybe I can get Valt back.

Valt's POV
Xander was talking to me about the training that he's going to do with the human shark things. I don't even know what to call them.
"That sounds fun. Can I watch?" I asked.
"Sure. Just don't get too close to the water."
I followed Xander to the place where they are going to train. It looked like a deep swimming pool! I watched Xander blow his whistle and Gabe and the others popped out of the water except for one. Lui. I was kinda bummed that I'd didn't see him. He's probably mad that I gave him that shot. I kept watching the others swim really fast and doing awesome tricks. But I noticed someone leaning on some fake rocks to the side of the aquarium. It was Lui! I stood up and yelled at Lui.
"What!?" Lui yells back looking very annoyed.
"Come over here! Join in the fun!"
"What fun!? There's no fun here!"
"Fine!" I yelled taking off my shoes and socks. "Then I'm going to have to grab you myself!" I took five steps back and then jumped on the water.
"What the heck are you doing?!" Xander yelled.
I ignored him and swam to Lui. This is probably a bad idea.

I was able to reach Lui and without him swimming away. I leaned against the fake rocks catching my breathe. Lui looked at me with an angry look.
"What's up?" I asked him holding on the rocks
"You're an idiot you know that?"
"I am not!"
"You are. You know I can eat you at any second right?"
Now I felt like an idiot. He could chomp my head clean off! I gulped and just stayed.
"I-I know. But still you should get exercise."
He gave me a dirty look and splashed water at my face. My headband fell off as my hair fell on my face. I shook my head trying to get my hair dry. I tried to tackle him but he swam really fast. He laughed as my cheeks turned pink for some reason. I shook the feeling away and chased him. Xander and the others watched us.

After a long time of chasing him I was tired and got out of the aquarium. Xander throws a towel at me having a big smile on his face. I was confused.
"Haha! I never seen anyone do that! That was great!" He said laughing more.
"Do what?"
"Heh! Well I never seen anyone swim to Lui without any thinking."
Huh? No one? I guess I was first. After awhile I finally realized my hairband was missing. It must've fallen in the water!!!

Lui's POV
I swam to the bottom of the aquarium until I saw a hairband. I grabbed it and examined it. It looked familiar. I poked it and sniffed it. The sent was familiar too. That's when I realized. "It's that idiot's hairband isn't it?" I faced palmed myself feeling dumb. Gabe swam to me.
"Isn't that the new kids-"
"Yes it is." I interrupted him.
"You should probably give that back to him."
"Why should I? It's not my problem."
He sighs and leaves. I swam back to my cave and set the hairband down looking at it. I closed my eyes and the first thing came was that idiots face. I felt my cheeks heat up but I smacked myself in the face. "No!" I yell. "No I don't have any feelings towards that childish human!" The feelings I had were confusing. I never felt this way. I brushed it off and laid down taking a nap.

Shu's POV
I recently heard about Valt's actions with him and Lui. He could've gotten hurt or killed! I talked to him after my shift.
"You should be more careful."
"Heh. Sorry. I wasn't thinking."
"That might be the problem. Theodore told me for this week you have to the janitor. The last one gotten a flu."
"Aw man."
I stopped and watched him walk out of the building. It actually wasn't Theodore who signed him to be janitor. It was me.

GOSH I haven't been on here in awhile. Sorry about that! ;-;
But here's chapter two!

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