Chapter 4

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I'm still alive!!!!! Surprisingly...I just need to apologize for not being active on here. I got some requests for part 4 so here's part 4. I will also do part 5 once I get back home from school hopefully. So yeah. Also there might be some swearing in this. But apart from that pls enjoy!
Lui's POV
I woke up feeling lots of pain in my hip. Damn, that bullet is still there. I had no idea where I was or how I got here. I looked around seeing different tools I never seen before. "What is this?" I asked myself. I heard a door open and saw Norman. "The hell do you want?" I snarled at him. He snickered walking to a tray with those shots. "Let's say I came to heal you." He walked towards me with that shot filled with God knows what! I tried to escape but I felt my tail being strapped down. I gave up and laid my head down. I knew if I tried thrashing around the bullet would only go deeper. I heard him snicker again. "Giving up already huh? It's a smart move." He said as he jabbed that needle on my back. I winced feeling lots of pain, but then I felt nothing. "What was that?" I asked looking at him. "Oh this? Heh that was just drug to make you feel no pain." I growled at him. He started to get the bullet out from my hip. Whatever drug he used he was right. I didn't feel any pain. After this I'll jack him up so hard no one will even recognize his face. He started to set the bullet in some container and walked out of the room.

Hours have past and I started to feel my tail again. Damn, that drug was pretty strong. I got the restrains off of me. I had no idea what to do now. I know I need to escape, but I'm not sure if I can. I held that headband that the brat lost. I don't know why I was still holding on to it. It just gives me comfort at times like this.

Valt's POV
I followed the truck that was taking Lui to a medical center. I sneaked past all the doctors and nurses and followed Theadore. He walked in a room and heard him talking to another person. I heard Theodor say "It's been awhile Norman."
"Yes it has. Now what do you need my assistance for?"
"You see one of my men accidentally shot my huge attraction when we were moving him. I'm afraid the bullet is deep in his hip. I can't have an injured attraction now."
"Not a problem. But why moving him?"
"I thought he can go somewhere "special" that might give me lots of money."
I felt my heart drop. I didn't want to think about was going to happen. I heard the door open and quickly hid. Norman walked to another direction. I tried following him, but I was caught by Theodore. "Ah. Mr. Aoi. What are you doing here?" It was OVER. I had to think of something quick. "U-uh I was going to check on my sick sister." I smiled nervously. "I didn't know you had any siblings. Oh well. I'm sorry about that. I'll see you tomorrow at work." He walked away. I sighed feeling my heart race. I dodged that bullet. Now I need to find Lui. I ran down the hall where I last saw Norman.

It took me an hour to find Lui, but I found the door. I opened it and saw Lui holding my headband I lost. He looked startled and quickly put my headband behind his back. "Oh shit! I-I wasn't doing anything!" He yelled. I giggled a bit and walked to him. "I came to get you out. I overheard Theodore saying he's taking you to some place that was going to get him lots of money."
"I'm not surprised..."
"You knew?"
"Well eventually I knew he was going to do this. Every human is greedy. It's not anything new."
I looked at his scars wondering how it happened. I gently touched his scars on his back. I felt him flinch but calmed down. It was strange.

I snapped out of it remembering why I'm here. "Lui I'm going to have to carry you." He looked at me raising one brow. "Hell no." "Come on. I'm getting you out of here wether you like it or not." I said with determination. He sighed in defeat and nodded. I picked him up bridal style and opened the door. "Let's go out in the back." I ran holding him close. I found the back entrance and opened the door with my foot. I made sure no one saw us and sneakily ran to my place.

Lui's POV
I'm never gonna love this down. The idiot carrying me like this. I really hated this, but I have to admit that I'm glad he came to get me. He went in a different place than the aquarium. This must be his home. He took me to the back and helped me in a pool. I sighed feeling the water. I swam around feeling hydrated. "This is so much better." I said. He took off his shoes and socks and setting his feet in the water. "I bet." He said.
"You know they'll be looking for you. We can't really take you back to the aquarium."
"I know. I don't want to go back there. It's been hell enough after that bullet incident."
"Oh right. How's your hip?"
"It's better. Not sure how long it'll heal though."
He nodded and looked at the sky. "Have you seen the sky this blue?" I looked up and and shook my head. "Not in a long time I'm afraid." I said scratching my scars on my stomach. Valt looked at me and his expression changed. We both heard a sound coming from the house. It sounded weird, but Valt knew what it was apparently.

Valt's POV
That was the doorbell! I got up quickly. "I'll be back, but don't make any noises." I ran inside and walked to the door. I opened it and saw Shu. "Shu?! What are you doing here?" He looked upset about something. "I wanted to see if you were ok. I heard that Lui somehow escaped the medical center. He probably was carried by someone." I smiled nervously. "Oh? That's not g-good. I'm sure we'll find him." He nodded crossing his arms. "Let me know if you hear anything." He said as he walked away. I quickly shut the door and leaned against it. They knew Lui wasn't working alone. That's not good. I'll just have to keep him hidden as long as I can. I could never forgive myself if that happened. I walked back to the pool telling Lui about what happened. This'll be a long week.

To be continued...

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