3 Stupid things that happend in the Gryffindor common room

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(1) Demons

Sirius and James (The idiot duo) were trying to paint a pentagram with salt, while Remus and Peter just sat back and watched their idiot friends. Who were trying to summon a demon... again.

All most every Gryffindor was joining this time. 

When Sirius and James finished they went to sit down in the circle the other Gryffindors had made. Someone layed a doll in the middle (Mario UwU) And sat back down.

"Okay let's get some more demons here!" Sirius yelled and Peter looked terrified "M-more?!" He yelped. Sirius nodded, he then casted a spell to show the words they needed to say in the air. Soon everyone, accept Peter who was again hiding in a corner, started to read them out loud. 

Not that late after, the doll started to float up and some kids started screaming while others continued. Now the doll was standing up and some people had failed to notice that so they started laughing thinking it had failed. They screamed when they saw the standing doll though.

"Remus did you move it?!" Sirius yelled while laughing nervously. Remus just shock his head in response, wich earned him a few more yelps and a scream.

"What is going on here?!" They heard someone yell. Everyone froze, they knew that voice and for once in their lives they didn't like that it was here.. professor McGonagall. "Uhhhh homework?" A brave 4th year asked, he got a glare from McGonagall. "Why in bloody hell would you do homework at 3 AM?!" She quiestionend, knowing that the 4th year was't speaking the truth.                           "Ohhhh that's why it worked..." James mumbled, wich earned him his fair share of screaming. McGonagall did not look happy at all, so she walked to the doll and shot it with her wand. She walked to the portrait hole and looked back "To bed!" She yelled. Soon Gryffindors were flying everywhere to get away from professor McGonagall.

(2) Food fight

This time it was not James his fault, he swears! But somehow there was a food fight going on. Let me break it down for ya.

It was a sunny weekend and a lot of Gryffindors had sneaked some candy from the great hall with them, some times complete meals. This however was not allowed, hint as to why they did it. The Gryffindors were always doing reckless things, everyone always thought they were stupid for that. Those people were wrong, Gryffindors are very smart (most of the time) but act without thinking wich ends up great (most of the time)!

Sirius and James had done the same, Peter and Remus were studying for an upcoming test. When James got hit in the face with some pudding (PUDDING, only Supernatural fans get that 😏) all hell broke lose. Sirius was getting hit with candy and pudding everywhere while others were starting to do the same. 

This what is happening is the reason WHY your not aloud to bring food with you to common rooms or dorms.

The walls were under the pudding and candy. Wich would be hard to remove if it would dry up.

McGonagall for Remus and Peter's luck, had come in again. "Are you just doing whatever you want?!" She yelled, wich got everyone's attion. "Basically..." Sirius said, he got hit up the head by Remus who was now standing next to him.

"Everyone who took part of the fight is also taking part in the cleaning up duty!" She yelled. Then looked at Remus and Peter who gave each other a high five, and smirked knowing full well that they hadn't done anything. This was to childish for them. McGonagall then walked out the portrait hole again, and there were sighs of relief everywhere.

(3) Ghost stories

It was maybe a night or two from the incident with the demon summoning and professor McGonagall. So the scare was still in almost all of them. 

This is why everyone agreed to a camp out in the Gryffindor common room, so they could tell each other funny stories and get their minds off of the demom. That was now possibly in the common room... welp.

That idea went the wrong way though.

So the Gryffindors who took place in the demon and McGonagall accident were all there, and yes the accident inclueds McGonagall cause she's scary as shit some times.

Gryffindors (I typed people but was like "Tf I'm typing like a muggle lemme change that) were telling each other stories when one of them cought everyones ears.

Sirius was standing on a table in his pj's.... again. And was telling James and Peter a story. Remus stayed in their dorm not wanting to show his scars, and he didn't believe in demons, ghosts are real, but demons not. So Sirius was telling James and Peter a story that wasn't funny at all, it was really scary.

"The man walked to the door, he was about to push the door open when he heard a sound." Sirius told as he was acting as if he was the man in the story. Sirius had also cought everyones ear and they were listening closely to the story. "He went to look where it was coming from this time. It sounded like the kitchen." Sirius was now fake sneaking to that so called kitchen.

"As the man walked in he saw nothing, but then the door slammed shut!" He had practicly yelled. "The man looked around good this time, still not seeing anything. He walked to the door, wich was now locked." Sirius had done as if he was checking a door if it would open.

"Then! The man turned around and saw!" He jumped down and growled at them, wich made them all scream cause it sounded so real (wich it was UwU). "There was a demon who bit him to peices!" Sirius then yelled and fell onto the table.

This action broke the table, and Remus came running down the stairs. "Babe! Are you okay?!" Remus had yelled. Remus had been smart (as always) and had put a jacket from Sirius on.

"Yeah I'm fine!" Sirius yelled, "The table isn't!" James had yelled sarcasticly after.

Remus scolded Sirius for breaking the table for awhile. Then had to explain why he called Sirius 'babe'.

Remus was about to go back upstairs, but then he got forced by James and Sirius to stay.

End of my stupidety UwU have fun with this it's bad as fuck but okay

Have a brownie UwU

Words: 1095

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