Chapter 9

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                                                                                  (Alex's POV)

  "You'll be fine. Everyone has nerves on their wedding day." I state trying to comfort Patrick. Patrick sighs. "I know but no one should feel like they're going to throw up."

  Jack puts a hand on Patrick's shoulder. "You'll get through it. You love Pete more then anything in the world, right? If that's the case then you can control your nerves." He explains.

 Patrick takes a deep breath. "I'm ready."

  "Then let's get this wedding started." I state. "we'll be out there waiting." I say as Jack and I walk out to our seats. I sit down and take Jack's hand. "I'm glad you're my date."

 Jack smiles. "I'm glad you're mine." He kisses my cheek.

 I grin like an idiot. "yay. Sorry this is new to me."

 "It's new for both of us." He smiles.

  "That's true." I state. A few moments later Patrick walks through the aisle and then Pete joins him. Two of our best friends are getting married and it feels amazing. I'm excited for them even though it took them 18 years to get here. So, this ceremony is a long time in the making.

  Patrick takes a deep breath. "We agreed to write our own vows, which was hard because there aren't enough words to describe how I feel about you. And how much I love you. Pete King Lewis Wentz III, you are my everything, my best friend, my soulmate, and the music that keeps me going." He says.

  Pete laughs a little and smiles. "Patrick Martin Vaughn Stump, you changed my life in ways I thought weren't possible. I am marrying the best person in the entire universe because you are my universe. I love you more than anything. You are the most amazing person I've ever met. I can't live without you. You are the best thing in my life." Pete rubs a tear of joy away.

  I'm so happy to see them both so in love. I love them so much and they deserve each other. They're amazing people and an amazing couple. The officiator smiles. "Now that the vows were said, let's do the marriage part." He goes back and forth between Patrick and Pete. "You may kiss your husband." Pete dips Patrick and kisses him. We cheer for them.

 Jack and I head to the reception area. "It's nice." I state.

 Jack sits down. "It really is. It's absolutely beautiful."

 I sit next to him. "Yeah it is."

 "Glad you like it." Hayley Williams stands there.

 I stand up and hug her. "Hayley!"

 She laughs. "hi, easy there. I decorated the place myself."

 Jack smiles. "Its impressive."

 She sits down next to us. "Thanks. Oh, and I'm at this table." She says.

 Zack and Rian join us. "That was a beautiful ceremony." Zack says.

 Rian smiles. "I'm glad they seem happy."

 I nod. "Yeah they do seem to be over the moon." I state.

   "May I have your attention please! For the first time as husband and husband, Mr. and Mr. Wentz!" the DJ, Kellin states. In walks Pete and Patrick in all their glory. Pete picks up the mic. "Patrick and I want to thank you all for coming. My husband and I, wow that's fun to say, are so grateful to all of you being here. Enjoy the party." Pete and Patrick then sit at the head table.

 "That was a fun speech." I state.

 Jack nods. "That it was."

 Rian smiles. "Awesome. Have you seen Brendon?"

 I shrug. "Nope."

 "So, Hayley what's been going on with you?" I ask her. We haven't seen her in a while.

 Hayley smiles. "I've been touring and working on new music." She states.

  "That's awesome. We're proud of you for continuing Paramore and the legacy you've created." Jack says.

 "What are you guys talking about?" Pete asks.

 "Just catching up with each other. Congrats." I hug him.

 "Thanks. Anyway it's time to get out on the dance floor." Pete states.

 I stand up. "Yeah. Let's have some fun."

  Jack takes my hand. "I would love to." Jack and I get on the dance floor and start grooving to the music. I am enjoying every second of being with my boyfriend. He's amazing and I'm glad we're finally together.

 Kellin speaks. "It's time for the happy couple to have their first dance."

  Everyone but Pete and Patrick leave the dance floor. Patrick laughs. "No you're welcome to stay here."

 Jack offers ne his hand. "May I have this dance?"

  I take his hand. "You may." I wrap my arms around his waist as we slow dance. I'm over the moon to be with him. I'm enjoying every second of it. "I don't ever want to lose you."

 He kisses me deeply on the lips. "You won't."

  I smile and lean against his shoulder. "Good because you're the only one I want." I kiss him on those soft lips of his. I could get lost in the moment with him and I do. He's the one thing in my life that I can't live without.

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