Chapter 24

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                                                                                   (Jack's POV) 

      Holy shit today is my wedding day. I'm nervous but excited at the same time. I feel like its crazy, that all of this is happening. I'm marrying the love of my life today. 

  "You seem nervous." Zack states, rubbing my shoulders. 

  "Thats cause I am. But I'm also excited." I state. 

  Kellin Quinn smiles. "I was nervous too when I married Vic. Its normal and something to cherish." He says. 

  Zack grins. "We have to go now. You ready?" 

  I nod, following them out. "Yes, I'm ready. More then ready." The three of us head to the venue. My life is about to change thanks to Alex being in my life. It has already changed because of Alex being in it. I can't live without him. 

  Kellin smiles. "Thank you for letting me be part of this." He says. 

  I grin. "You're welcome. Thank you for being here, it means a lot." I state. A few minutes later we arrive at the venue. We head inside to start getting ready. I start changing into my black tux. I'm only wearing white for the reception. I look at the time. "Its time." I state. 

  Zack heads out the door. "Lets go." 

  The three of us walk to the room where we're having the ceremony. We get in our positions, with me being in front. A few moments later Alex walks down the aisle and greets me. "I love you." He shispers. 

  "I love you too." I whisper back. 

  The officiator starts the ceremony. "We are gathered here today to join Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat in marriage. If anyone objects speak now or forever hold your peace." No one objects. "Alex and Jack have written their own vows." 

  I start. "Alex, you're not just the love of my life, you're also my best friend. Fifteen years ago you came into my life and changed it for the better. You became my first love and only love. I never stopped loving you and I never will. I promise to always love you no matter what life throws at us. You're the love of my life and I can't live without you." I say my vows from my heart and with every fiber of my being. 

  Alex wipes away a tear as he squeezes my hand. "Jack Barakat, I've loved you since the day we met. You're my best friend and the love of my life. I can't live without you. I will never stop loving you, even after death. Beyond this life I'll never stop. I promise to never give up on you, to be by your side no matter what happens. You are the only person I've ever loved." He says, crying happy tears. 

   The officiator smiles and continues the ceremony. We take each other as one. We are about to be husband and husband. "I announce you husband and husband." 

  I smirk as I dip him to kiss him. I kiss him deeply after putting the rings on each other's fingers. There's cheering as we kiss. We pull apart and Alex smirks. "I love you." He says. 

  I grin. "I love you too, Mr. Barakat." We're taking each other's names. 

  He laughs. "I love the sound of that." 

  "Of course you do." I state with my arm around his waist. My brain is processing the fact that I'm married to him. I'm married to Alex Gaskarth. And it feels amazing. Alex and i head to the dressing room to change. Alex smiles. "Holy shit we're married!" He states. 

  I kiss his cheek. "I love you. I also can't believe it. We're married, and you're my husband." I state. 

  "Yes we are and you're my husband. And I'm excited for the journey to continue. Our new lives begin now." He states, as he finishes chnaging. 

  I finish changing and then intertwine our fingers together. "Lets do this." 

  He squeezes my hand. "Lets." He says as we walk out of the dressing room. We walk down the hallway to where the reception hall is. I let Rian know that we're ready for our entrance. 

  Rian nods and grabs the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time as husband and husband, Mr. and Mr. Barakat!" He announces. 

  Alex and I walk into the room. Everyone cheers as we do so. It means a lot to me to have my best friends be part of this special day. Its a special feeling to see them here. 

  Alex picks up the mic. "Thank you all for coming to be part of this very special day. It means more then you know." He says. 

 I take the mic from him. "I want to thank you for coming to celebrate with my husband and I. Wow that sounds weird. Its crazy to have such love and support that you all are giving us. Thank you so much." I state. 

  After the reception, the two of us leave for our honeymoon. I'm excited for our honeymoon, especially because of where we're going. Its one of our favorite places to visit, Rio de Janiro, Brazil. 

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