No Pulse

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I was born and it was a luck
But this life has become hard  as  a rock
Living down stressed as fuck, depressed
So don't come say that we're all blessed

They see me outhere mask On
Noone truly knows what I'm been on.
I am over the sky in a safe cloud
All this pressure is to make mama Proud

Shotguns are my new Symphony
I am Old Pop In a Youngster Body
There is too much weight down on me
I should let everything down and fight for me.

I die every morning and still pray every night.
This life has no sense. This world fuck the lights.
What makes sense has no sense to the sense itself
Don't worry about me , worry about yourself.

I need extra love and that even enough
I am on the bridge , watching all my thoughts.
My pulse is down, my heart will lose itself
I'm dead and I'll completely break myself.

Noone else Understands our pain
You should be smarter than my words , use your brain.
I should take the easy way out
Push the trigger  and get the fuck out

we're all savages wearing human mask.
Nothing matters more than money . It's a fact.
Tell them I tried but it's too late to save me
I am already halfway on the church Symphony.

Cesar Sur Saturne.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant