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Omg so I know exactly how this will end 😁 I have finally found the perfect ending for everyone.

I'm so glad that I have had time away. Now that im back and taken the time to read all three books in one night I have found the solutions.

It's very very late into the night. Like 4 in the morning 🤣😅 I'm 25 and pregnant staying up like a naughty 15 year old girl LOL. The fuck am I doing 😆🥰

I'm gonna log off, go eat something and go to bed. But I'm suuuuper pumped to start the next chapter. LIKE I got PLANS, totes like you guys are going to freaking love this when I get started. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Oh my sweet baby FanFic, Mummy is back and damn am I ready to come back for the fight.

FOR CYBERTRON, FOR THE ALLSPARK, Until All Are One!!!!!! 🌹🌹🌹 Love you all, good night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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