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KIM SAT between ruby and riley at a restaurant called the key lime palace with her and riley's friends all sitting at one big table at the loud establishment

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KIM SAT between ruby and riley at a restaurant called the key lime palace with her and riley's friends all sitting at one big table at the loud establishment

after everyone ordered their food and drinks, riley turned everyone's attention to the only silent teenager when his friends mentioned sports

"hey guys kim is a natural at soccer, she made the last two winning points at the girls' soccer game last wednesday" kim shook her head in denial

"uh no, georgia made the last shot. i only made the second to last one" riley smiled down at her anyway "nah from what i heard georgia stole your shot"

before kim could even respond a man who had caught her eye walked in the restaurant with a group of friends, laughing

his face contorted from the delighted expression and it made the large scar on his face appear more noticeable; why am i looking at this guy?

"kim," ruby's voice made her jump

"nope, definitely georgia's shot" kim said distantly, watching as a waitress seated the scarred man and his friends right in front of their table

the scarred guy sat to face her direction and when he adjusted himself in the seat his blue eyes met kimberly's

kimberly sunk in her seat and fidgeted when it happened; to her surprise neither of them stopped staring at the other

she suddenly got hot all the sudden under his stare and it didn't help that he winked at her before looking away and inserting himself back into his friends' conversation

kim looked down at her napkin disgusted

the entire time at the restaurant kim stayed quiet and willed herself not to look back at the scarred stranger when she would feel his eyes on her — she kept her eye contact on her food or someone else at her table who was talking about something interesting

she felt her breathing being cut off because of his hard stare why can't he just stop?

she felt saved when her phone rang

her eager hands went to retrieve her phone from her purse and quickly accepted the call when she read the caller id

"guys i'll be back i gotta take this" kim rambled quickly before standing from the table and away from all that mess

she went into the deserted women's bathroom and sighed deeply "diana thank you so much"

"you're welcome. but what did i do?"
"you saved me from some creep eye-fucking me"

"well then you're really welcome. where you at, kim?"
"i'm at a restaurant that i was practically dragged to" kim shakes her head "but i digress, what's up?"

"church ended here over on the other side and i'm bored. also, we didn't finish our conversation earlier" kim knew diana was frowning at this point "it actually feels like we haven't really talked; what's going on in that head of yours psycho?"

kimberly's eyebrows furrow in contemplation, unsure whether or not to tell her best friend the truth — would diana even ever believe her?

"di do you remember when i was talking about the boy who appears and disappears in my bedroom?"

"wait a motherfuckin' second" diana gasps at herself "sorry jesus" kim sighs as diana makes the cross symbol on her body before kissing the sky "you have a crush on a ghost—"

"whatever, and y'all really wanna touch together and stuff but for that to happen you have to find his killer?"
"yeah that's pretty much it" kim checks under the stalls for any feet

"nah kim, that's pretty much crazy. are you really gonna go try and find his killer?"

kim bites her lip "i mean i care about him..."
diana groans "the things people do for love"

kim falters "i never said i was in love with him"
kim can practically hear diana roll her eyes "whatever just go back to the table and give me all the tea when you get home kimmy!"

kim and diana said their goodbyes before kim rushed out the ladies restroom,

but she almost crashed into someone on her way back to the table — her knees almost gave out at the sight of him

the fading yet still remarkably noticeable scar looked scarier up close and his bright, piercing blue eyes staring down at her made her feel threateningly inferior ; kim gulped

"sorry miss" it sounded insincere
kim shook her head "no problem"

when kim attempted to slide past him, his hand reached and grabbed for hers causing her to flinch which gave the stranger an opportunity to pull her closer to him

"you need to be careful next time sweetie," he starts and kim could hear a riddle lying between his creepy script "the unexpected loves the oblivious"

out of fear and her naturally no-bullshit attitude, kimberly yates quickly responded with

"and my kitchen knives would love your dick"

the scar guy, distracted in his moment of shock, loosens his grip on kim's hands — and she takes the opportunity to pound him randomly on the chest as hard as she could before literally running back to the table

she had garnered looks from those at the table, especially ruby

ruby's eyebrow raises "you okay?" she asks as kim takes a deep sigh and a seat down before deciding to lie "whaddya mean? i'm perfect"

kim then turns the opposite direction with her hand raised

"waitress! i'm gonna need a bottle of martinelli's sparkling cider and five napkin dispensers. stat!"

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