|002| - O My Mata!

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Shivansh opened his eyes when he heard the doctor leave after saying that Shivansh had fainted because of exhaustion and just needed some rest. Thankfully his family left with the doctor, and he was left alone in his room to rest properly.

The moment he heard the door click shut, Shivansh went to lock the door before hopping back on his bed. He was feeling hurt, scared and confused because of what was happening. Though he was still worried about the fight between his two best friends-sister like grandmothers but the fact that his father was about to get married to a woman who was not his mother had him feel scared. He was hurt seeing his father's behavior and the confusion arose from the fact that he was never told about this part of his father's life.

Shivansh closed his mind and tried to focus on one thing, "Manat! Hey?! Are you there? Guardian angel?" he tried calling her hoping that she would give him the answers that he's seeking but nothing worked. manat didn't come but some else happened.

Unexpectedly, Shivansh was hit by a ton load of flashes. It hurt his mind but at the same time it felt as if he was living all those flashes, all those moments but at a fast forward speed. Memories. These were his memories of his past for the current timeline. His memories as Shakti and Pinky Singh Oberoi's son, Shivaay Singh Oberoi's twin brother, Omkara, Rudra and Priyanka Singh Oberoi's elder brother and the famous Bollywood actor who is about to start working in a television show because his best friend Zoya, who's a director/producer, asked him to play the role of the male lead.

Other memories were of Tia/Lady Baba and her family, Omkara's drug addiction, Tej's extramarital affair etc. Everything flashed in front of him like a movie that left him breathless and overwhelmed with all that information.

"Oh God! How am I supposed to deal with all this?!" he whined and rolled over the bed complaining about how unfair this was to him.


Shivansh spent last night adjusting to his new memories and trying to find a solution for all the problems that his family was facing. But he couldn't think of anything that could actually give any results. So he decided to not rush anything and just go with the flow. 

He woke up early the next morning. 27th of June, 2016. It was the day his parents were going to meet! It was the day he was going to meet his mother. It's been 23 years that he last saw her, last felt her touch, heard her voice and just everything! A mother is the most important person in a child's life and he lost that person at such a young age and now, such is the twist of fate that he was going to meet his mother again but this time things were going to be really really different.

Because he knew that Shivaay was going to meet Anika at some point on this day so Shivansh went wherever Shivaay went. According to the story that his KD and PN had told him, his father and mother were going to meet at the temple that Shivaay and Shivansh were headed to right now.

Shivansh being extremely excited was fidgeting in his seat annoying Shivaay, "What is wrong with you?" he asked.

"Nothing bro!" it was still awkward for him to address his father as his brother, "I am just happy."

"About what?" Shivaay asked shifting his attention to his tablet as he looked through a report.

Shivansh's smile widened, "Everything! I am happy about everything. Today is such a happy day." his wide smile and that over-excited look had Shivaay scared for a bit.

"Just..just try to tone down your excitement. You kinda look creepy right now." Shivaay's comment made Shivansh pout, "Oh God! Why are you being so ridiculous today?"

"I just feel it bro, I feel it that something good and big is going to happen today!" exclaimed Shivansh.

"I agree with Shivansh sir." added Khanna who was sitting on the front seat, "Even your horoscope says that today you will meet someone who will become an important person in your life."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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