Meeting Kankuro and Gaara again after years

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I deicded to update early as I had less homework than I thought! So here is the next part!

Rin's POV

I woke in a dark and damp room, with no light coming in anywhere. I could bearly see anything, let alone where I was. I tried to form the handsigns needed for me to tranfer my soul to my puppet body but I then discovered my hands were tied up.

Totoro, if it isn't too much trouble, can you transfer my soul to my puppet body.

After a few moments Totoro didn't reply. That's odd. He always replys. Light flooding the room, and I had to close my eyes, I opened them to find Kankuro crouched in front of me, holding a bowl of food.

'Eat up Rin. We can't have you dying on us, can we?'

Kankuro smiled.

'Why do you want me to live,Kankuro? For the information I have on the Akatsuki? Or that Gaara ordered you to keep me alive? Hn.'

Every word I said was filled with venom. I could hear my voice was dry and raspy, I'm guessing its because I hadn't had water in hours if not days.

'No. Rin that's not it.You are needed. For Gaara's sake. He hasn't  been the same since you left.'

I laughed a dry laugh.

'He hasn't been the same.How about me? I haven't been the same since I got kidnapped by Orochimaru.'

'You got kidnapped by Orochimaru?'

Kankuro's face was full of shock.

'How come the hidden leaf didn't tell us this?'

'The sand and the  leaf aren't exactly best friends are they, Kankuro?'

Kankuro shook his head.

'But I still expected them to tell us this. The hokage knew that you and Gaara are best friends.'

'Were, Kankuro, Were. Me and Gaara were best friends.'

'That's not true Rin.'

Kankuro turned his head round quickly. I moved my head so I could  see who Kankuro was staring at. I saw Gaara. My jaw dropped slightly.


'Kankuro you can leave.'


'Just leave Kankuro.'

Kankuro quickly got to his feet and fled the room, well cell.

'What's this about we were friends, Rin?'

I avoided eye contact with Gaara and stared at the floor.

'Rin, answer me!'

When I didn't answer, Gaara put two fingers under my chin and move my face so I was facing him.

'Now answer me Rin,why did you say that we aren't friends anymore?'

I tried to move my face, so I didn't have to look at Gaara right in the eye.

'Umm......Because I thought ever since I got into would hate me.'

Gaara's face softed, and he smiled slightly.

'I would never hate you Rin.'

I smiled back at him, but what happened next, I never expected would happen.

Gaara untied my arms, but just as I was rubbing my wrists trying to stop the pain, Gaara pushed me up against the wall. His hands pinning my wrists to the wall and his body pinning the rest of my body to the wall. I couldn't move at all.

'Gaara...what are you doing'

I could tell I was blushing.

'I'm doing what I have wanted to do for a while now.'

Gaara then move slowly in and before I knew it his lips were on mine.

Please comment and vote! Many thanks to those who vote and comment on my chapters. I do not own Naruto! Sadly..  Many Thanks, Mooonlightgaby

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