Last chapter!

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Sorry this is late! But I was thinking of a way to end this! Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I am writng this on my phone! There will be a sequel, so keep an eye out on my proifle page! So on with the story!
Rin's POV:
Its been a few weeks since I arrived at the leaf village and I must say i love it here! I forget how kind and caring this village is but I am missing itachi and in some weird way I'm also missing Madara. Anyway my illness still hasn't gone away so Neji is dragging me to the hospital later. He always worries about everything. Its probably nothing, maybe just a virus or something!
'Rin! Do you want to go and get ramen with me?'
I turn around and see Naruto running towards me out of breath. For a ninja he sure is unfit.
'I would love to Naruto!'
So we walked and had some Ramen, but as usual I couldn't keep it down and I threw it back up. I could keep some foods down but ramen seemed to be one I can't.
'Rin we need to take you to the hospital. Your not well. I'll go and tell Neji!'
With that Naruto ran off and went to find Neji. After a while both Neji and Naruto came back. Neji picked me up in bridal style and ran with me to the hospital.
'Doctor, can you please make sure my sister's not dying!'
Wow Neji, I know I'm Ill but I'm not that ill.
'Sure Mr.Hyuga right this way.'
The doctor lead me and Neji to a room and Neji placed me down on the bed.
I have been in this place for hours. Every test they have done has showed nothing that would of caused me to throw up.
'This is the last test. But I have to ask you a few quite personal questions. Okay?'
I nodded.
'Have you had sex with anyone? At any point?'
I blushed but nodded.
'Neji, calm down. I wanted it to happen.'
Neji calmed down but kept cursing under his breath.
'Okay. I now think what is wrong with you. But can you just lift your top up.'
'Neji calm down! He I think just wants to do an ultrasound on me.'
The doctor nodded and got the ultrasound ready. I lifted my top up to just above my stomach and waited for the doctor to begin.
'Rin. Congratulations! Your pregnant! '
My jaw dropped. I'm pregnant. How could that happen. Well I know how it happened but why did it have to happen. How will Madara react when he finds out. Wait, what happens if its not his! It could be Sasori's! So who is the father of my child.
Sasori or Madara?
There you go! The last chapter! As I said the sequal will be out in the next few days!  I will messageyou readers if you wish! Any way , a big thnak you to all you readers who have voted and commeted. It means a lot to me! One last question, who do you think the father should be? Manythanks, Mooonlightgaby!

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