Simbar// Breakfast at Tiffany's

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"Okay, okay. Now it's my turn," said Ámbar laughing.
I sat on her sofa across from her in the living room and played a game that we used to play when we were kids to pass the time. It was about making up lives for each other and everything was possible. We were time travelers, we lived on the moon or we were fashion designers. Well, the last one was just Ámbar. I just went along for her. I didn't have a clue about fashion. My outfit looked the same almost every day anyway.
When we were little, we used to go on and we played out this life, but we had finished that phase many years before.
Ámbar moved her mouth to the side and thought briefly. Grinning, I waited for her idea. A glow streaked across her face.
"I know it now. You're a promenadology scientist, observing people walking all day and thinking about how to change the effect of the environment. You travel around the world to find the ultimate walk. Because that's your goal in life."
I looked at her in disbelief. "Promenadology? Are you serious?
But I couldn't be angry with her and started laughing immediately. "That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard! Why are you giving me such a boring life? I'll make you a world star and you make me be a scientist who specializes in walking. What did I deserve that for?"I joke.

Ámbar grinned at me and I swore my heart rate doubled. It certainly wasn't the first time I felt something like this near her. I felt constantly a tingle when we touched and my chest contracted when she looked at me with her blue eyes. But I never said a word about it. My feelings for her were a secret and I had to keep it this way, if I didn't want our friendship to end.
Ámbar meant too much to me that I would give up our friendship for something as stupid as feelings. She shrugged her shoulders. "Fate has spoken and it's better not to contradict fate," she commented. I had to laugh because that was my saying, which I always said when she was dissatisfied with my idea.
Her eyes met mine and it felt as if the world had stopped. My breath stopped. Every day my feelings for her grew stronger and stronger. Every day they grew uninterruptedly. In the lectures I didn't listen properly anymore, because my thoughts were with her. While studying I could not concentrate because I had to think about her beautiful smile all the time.
My best friend always told me that I should finally confess my feelings to her, otherwise I would fall apart. He was right. My feelings literally tore me apart. But as long as I could control myself, I didn't want to take the risk. I didn't care what happened to me. Ámbar was more important to me. The fear of losing her was always biting my neck. I just had got used to the pain.
Suddenly the doorbell rang and we broke our eye contact. Ámbar opened her eyes with joy and squeaked. "Pizza!"
She jumped up excitedly and ran over to the big entrance door. Her aunt wasn't home tonight. Ámbar always took advantage of this to order some fast food, as her aunt normally forbid her to do so. Slowly I got up and followed her to the door. A brunette waved friendly at me. "Hey, you two"
"Hey, Luna," I greeted her and took her pizza boxes. Luna was a good friend of mine, but she still went to school with Ámbar. However, she was also in her final year of school. What Ámbar did afterwards, or where she went afterwards, worried me... But I didn't want to think about that today.
"What are your plans for tonight," she asked while Ámbar was looking for the money in her wallet.
I shrugged my shoulders. „Probably watching a movie, right ?", I asked Ámbar.
Ámbar handed Luna the money. She grinned at me. "Yes, and I've already put one out. Your favorite movie."
I laughed briefly. I knew exactly what movie she was talking about and it wasn't my favorite movie. "You mean your favourite film! That would never be my favorite movie."
Ámbar smiled at me innocently. "Are you saying that you don't like love films?"
I pulled my shoulders up. "I'm just saying that I would prefer Star Wars to any other movie."
She pulled up her eyebrow. "You know, That I won't watch those movies ever again. They're boring."
I opened my eyes in shock. It was always clear to me that she thought this way about the movies, but hearing it out loud hurt me every time anew. And yes... we haven't had this discussion for the first time.
"How can you say that!"
"Uh, guys, I'm gonna go. I'll see you at school, Ámbar," Luna radioed in between. "Have fun" Luna winked at me. Immediately the blood shot into my face. Sometimes I had the feeling that every one of our friends knew that I was into Ámbar, but not her.
Ámbar closed the door behind Luna and we ran back to the living room. "How can you say such a thing", I repeated, "You have always sleep through the most of the movies !"
I placed the pizza on the coffee table. "Exactly! Boring!"
Disappointed, I shook my head. "You have no sense for true Art. Star Wars is a masterpiece." She nudged me playfully with her shoulder. "You still like me."
I sighed deeply. If only she knew how much... Sometimes I wondered if she felt the same way and just didn't take a step because she felt the same fears as I did. And sometimes I hoped that she would know, she would feel the same way and take the step that I am too afraid to do.
"Let's start the movie," she said. I nodded in agreement and pushed my thoughts aside.

* * *

The room was dark and only the light from the television lit it up. The film was nearing towards its end. I would lie if I said I didn't almost fall asleep. But love movies weren't my thing. Most of the time I don't understand the problem of the relationship.
Especially not in Breakfast at Tiffany's. The main characters clearly loved each other, but only because she was too proud and wanted to marry a billionaire instead of her true love, so she moved away from him. I just didn't understand why? But Ámbar apparently did. We had watched the movie almost 50 times and Ámbar always ended up in the same condition: Shortly before the tears with a pillow firmly pressed to himself.
Sometimes I found it annoying to watch the film over and over again with her, but to be honest .... I wouldn't want it any other way.
On the contrary. I could imagine doing that all my life... To eat with her in the evening and watch movies while she lay close to my side and I put my arm around her to feel her even closer to me. Everything was fine with me as long as she was by my side. Even when the credits started, we didn't change our position.
"Do you think this really exists?" she asked all of a sudden. I looked down at her because I didn't understand what she meant.
"A love that is so strong that it tears you apart inside. And you constantly have this fear of being able to ruin what you have, knowing that you are made for each other. Do you think that really exists?" I closed my eyes. If only she knew what she had just said to me. I nodded, barely noticeably. Then I remembered that she couldn't see that at all, because she didn't look at me at all.
"Yes, I believe that." My voice was scratchy and broken.
"Have you ever felt something like that before," she asked. She must have noticed in my voice that something was wrong with me. She looked up at me and somehow I couldn't get rid of the feeling that there was some concern in her eyes.
"Is there anyone you feel or have felt this way with?"
I gave no answer. A strand of hair slipped in her face. My heart rate increased as I stretched out my hand to stroke it back behind her ear. How did she manage to make me feel that way through such small things? A smile was enough to make my whole body tingle. One look was enough to make it contract in my chest. One touch was enough and I got the urge to kiss her.
Oh, how badly I wanted to say these three little words to her. How badly I wanted to call her my girlfriend.
She looked up at me with her blue eyes. ˋI love you' At least in my mind, I was able to say it. Suddenly, Ámbar opened her eyes and pulled away from me. "What did you just say?
My face turned bright red. Oh, damn it! I, fool, hadn't I said that out loud, did I? Judging by her reaction, yes I did. Mentally, I slapped myself. How could I be so stupid?
"What should I have said? I didn't say anything. Did you say anything?" I babbled nervously and tried to save the situation. Maybe she had understood something else. She raised her eyebrow reproachfully. "Simón, you said I love you to me."
"Platonic," I whined. "I love you platonically because you are such a good friend to me." I nudged her playfully, yet awkwardly.
I cleared my throat. Meanwhile my heart was beating up to my neck. Slowly I got up. "You know what, I better go home now. Without looking back, I hurry outside. How could I be so stupid?! I hadn't paid attention for a moment, hadn't really thought for a second... And now what? Now everything was gone. I had ruin it. It would never be the same again.
"Simón," I heard Ámbar behind me. But I did not turn around. I had almost reached the gate. Time was running out. The path seemed infinitely long to me. And behind me was Ámbar, who was calling for me, sounding more and more angry. I was afraid to stop. I had to keep walking because I couldn't bear to see Ámbar's face when she explained that she only saw me like a brother. No, she didn't have to give me that knife thrust in addition.
Could I still emigrate to another country overnight?
"Simón, now wait a minute!
Finally I stopped. I clenched my fists and breathed deeply. Then I relax my hands again and turned to her.
"Ámbar, it is really better if I leave now. I know exactly what you are going to say. And it's okay. I understand it. But I ask you to understand me too when I say that I have to go."
With these words I turned away. I had almost reached the gate. But suddenly I felt a jolt. Ámbar had put her hand on my shoulder and pulled me back. Suddenly we were only inches away from each other. Ámbar's gaze wandered all over my face and then she pulled me into a long, passionate kiss.
"If you don't want to listen to me, then I'll have to show you." , she said, grinning all over her face.
My eyes widened. My heart was beating like wild. That means "-" I could not get any further. My voice was to weak. My brain felt like liquid.
"That you are an idiot? Yes." She softly stroked my cheek.
"But that I am in love with this idiot? Yes, that, too."
Then she gently placed her lips on mine.

First OneShot. More to follow XD
Hope you guys like it!

See ya soon!

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