Simbar// Hurts like hell.

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A cold breeze hit the guest of Rico's bar when the door swung open and a new customer walked in. The cold vanished as quick as it came in as the door closed. With heavy steps the man pressed forward through the people to the bar. For a Thursday night it was oddly crowded and tonight wasn't  even a game on. The man sat down on a barstool, right next to Simón. Simón didn't  even lift a finger when he sat down. His focus laid on the glass in his hands. The look in his eyes was hollow and empty. He had been sitting here for some time now and this wasn't  his first glass. There  wasn't much liquor left and Simón starred at it as if it would solve all his problems if he just would take that one last sip. The last sip... that was what he'd been telling himself many times tonight. But when he stopped drinking...his head would fill with memories of her. Her blue bright blue eyes, her blond hair, that she would often stroke to one side, exposing skin on her neck. And whenever she did, he would lean down to her and place a gentle kiss on that spot, causing her to chuckle lightly. His heart ached at the memory of that sound. It still hollowed through his mind but it was so, so far away. 

Simón lifted his glass , glancing through the crystal glass, watching the light reflect in it. He stirred it mid-air. The ice clinked in the glass. He felt exhausted. His hand felt weak as if he could lose his grip any moment.  The glass would fall on the ground, shattering in thousands pieces. He would tried to pick up the pieces and cut himself, because his hands would be shaking so much but he would't feel a thing. His body felt numb, his head foggy. 

"Hey, man. You should go home.", he barkeeper suddenly appeared in front of him. Simón shook his head. 

"Come on. You can't hide here forever." Simón knew he couldn't. It would be foolish thinking. But right now, it felt like forever. And that was enough for him. 

"Simón.",he sighted. "Do you at least want to talk about it? Maybe it will help.", the barkeeper offered. Simón appreciated his attempt to help him, but he didn't need help. He needed her. Simply her. But having her was not simple. And he had felt that today again. Simón ignored him, and kept focusing on the glass in his hands. 

His mind had gone far away from here. She was with him, yelling and screaming at him. And he screamed back. At the top of his lungs, called her names and she was throwing his stuff out of the window, which only made him more furious. Only because she wouldn't listen! Only because she was too stuck in her mindset to even consider his perspective. Because she was too bullheaded and ignorant! And because he was too weak to make the first step. Because he was no better than her! His grip tightened around his glass. Simón could barely refrain himself from breaking it. He'd seen enough flinders, he didn't need to add to the pile.  

"Simón.", the barkeeper called him quietly. Simón looked into the eyes of his friend. Pedró had known him for a long time now but he had never seen Simón is such a devastating state before. Worries filled the look in his eyes. Simón put the glass back down and sighted heavily. 

"We fought. Again.", he came out with in sharp breath, smiling with hopelessness in his eyes at Pedró. Simón rose his eyebrows and blew air out in frustration. Pedró didn't seem too surprised by that. 

"Yeah, but you guys fight all the time and then make up again. I wouldn't worry too much.", Pedró tired to console him but Simón only looked more miserable. He played with the glass in his hands. Eventually, his shoulders sacked and he let go. He lifted his head and looked at his friend with all earnest. 

"This time was different.", he replied. Pedró was taken back by the seriousness in his voice. "We keep fighting and I don't know how much longer I can keep up with this." Pedró's eyes narrowed, wrinkles formed on his head. He leaned on down and rested his arms on the counter. "Do you really want to give up? After everything you guys been through?" Simón sighted but did't answer. If he was being honest, he didn't know. The pain in his chest and the anger in his head made it hard to think clearly. He couldn't imagine another day without her. But their time together has left its scars on him and he questioned if their relationship was healthy enough to keep going. Not for his sake but for both of them. How fair was it to continue when they hurt each other constantly? How fair was it to live like that? Wouldn't it be more fair to go separate ways? But the thought to live a life without her by his side hurt cut him deep in his heart. 

"Yeah, I admit. You guys walk on rocky ground, but how could you not? Your relationship didn't start with trust. You've rushed into it. You've fallen fast and you've fallen deep without truly getting to know each other slowly, accepting each others flaws. But has that stop you ? No! You've worked on it and every fight drew you closer. I know you worry a lot. You worry because you care. And so does Ámbar. That's why it hurts like hell- every time. Simón. I've seen many couples in my life. I have seen relationships starting and ending here, sometimes even on the same night. But I have never seen a couple that -"

"That is as perfect for each other?", Simon cut in sarcastically and let put a dry laughter. Pedró stop and shot him an amused look. He laughed. "No. Simón, no. You are far from perfect for each other" His laughter died quickly and a serious look crept its way back in his eyes. "No. But I have never seen a couple that is as deeply in love as you two. You relationship is fuelled with fire. It can burn you , but it can also save you." 

Simón snorted in amusement. Love should look differently. It should feel differently. 

"You don't believe me?", Pedró's eyebrows rose a fraction. His eyes looked past him, he pointed towards the door. "Then look." 

Slowly Simón turned around. His eyes searching - he didn't know for what. But suddenly he saw Ámbar standing in the doorway. Her eyes were searching frantically the room. She was breathing heavily. Then her eyes met his and she suddenly stood still. The crowed faded away and all he could see was Ámbar. Her shoulders sagged. Her body relaxed with relief. Controlled by a bigger force, Simón got up. He made his way over, as she walked over to him. Suddenly they were only inches away. Her eyes were puffed and red, as if she'd been crying for a long time. Her eyes filled with water. She didn't say anything. Hesitantly, she placed her hand over his ear, stroking his hair softly and stopped on his cheek. Simón gripped her by the wrist. At first his grip was firm, all the anger build it way up again but then he looked into her blue eyes and nothing else mattered. He loosened his grip and pulled her in a hug. Ámbar sobbed in his arms, as he held her as tight as possible. Simón never wanted to let go. His eyes filled with tears. His heart breathed out with relief. He pushed Ámbar away gently, resting his forehead on hers. He swallowed hard, his finger traced carefully along her chin. Simón then, cupped her head in his hands and kissed her gently, putting all his sorrow and worries in that one kiss. Relief filled his body when he felt her kissing him back. 

Their fight was far from over. But they haven't lost each other yet. And that's what's counted the most. 

Yeah, their relationship wasn't easy. Simón admitted that. And love hurt like hell , but damn - he would go to hell and back for her. No matter how many times. Because living without her was worse than that. 



Hey! Finally a new update. I have been busy for a while. But I've got a little air to breath, so I wanted to write a oneshot. Although my English is terrible at the moment. I am a little out of practice and I am writing on a new computer and I am not quite used to it yet XD

I am starting college soon but every course is in English and my mouther tongue is obviously not English , so I want to practice some more and I will probably post more in English stuff. And also part two of Can you keep a secret? I will start translation soon. So get excited for more content!!! (Also a non-fanfic is in progress, sooo get excited for that as well. XD !!!!)

Until Next time!


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