Chapter 3

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*Luke's P.O.V*

As I walked down the deserted road, I sighed. I knew there was nothing I could ever do to make my life better.

The sun had set, making the sky clouded. I sighed in content as the orange and pinks mixed together above my head.

I walked down the oh so familiar road, keeping my trance on my feet hitting the cool, damp pavement. Once I did retreat my eyes to the area in front of me, a small smile appeared on my face.

There was just something about the way the road bent at the end, no matter how close I got to it. How the trees were standing storing but the leaves were screaming for stability in the harsh winds.

The people socializing and enjoying a cup of coffee on a bench or at a bus stop. The way the clouds developed under the night sky. It was all so beautiful to me.

I finally saw the small park come into view. Walking over to the small, crammed structure, I took my spot on a swing. I moved the swing back and forth, the rusting metal squeaking with every movement.

As I was staring off at the starting of the forest, I noticed a small path way. Curiosity getting the bet of me, I stood off of the swing, shuffling my feet towards the destination.

Reaching the start of the path, I inhaled a deep breathe. It smelt fresh. Like a garden would after it has just rained and then the sun shines through the clouds, making everything better.

Maybe that's what I need in my life, sun. Not physical sun, because I do get that. But something that represents the sun, symbolically is the sun. And whatever the symbol is, will help when my mood is clouded over and grey.

Looking further into the woods, I thought out my options. I could go in the forest and possibly die, or stay out here and life. Either or doesn't matter.

I take the first step onto the path, the rest just naturally following.

Smiling, I knew I chose the right decision. As I approached the small waterfall, I couldn't help but feel the water. It was cold to the touch, but warming to the soul.

In the distance there was faint birds chirping and singing, a beautiful sound. The way the water fell from the wall of rocks, cascading over each one individually. The soft splashing of it hitting the surface of the small pond.

Approaching the pond, I could see many things. There were lily pads floating gracefully on the water, as if they didn't have a care in the world. I mean if I was as pretty as one of them, I wouldn't care about anything either. But however, that's not the case.

I sighed, turning away from the waterfall. Adjusting the straps of my bag on my slump shoulders, I began walking back to the park.

Looking up at the sky, I decided it was time to go back to my house. I kicked small pebbles along the way, humming random notes.

Keeping my eyes on my feet,I didn't realize the people approaching me. I bumped into one of them, causing me to look up straight away.

"I-I'm-" I began.

"Watch where you're going freak," one of them spat.

I sighed, tailoring my head down, blocking out the world around me. Too say I was relieved when I saw the steps of the shitty apartment was false. I was a tad happy that I was away from the people outside, but now I had my parents on my case.

"Did you find a new job?" my mother asks as I step foot through the doorway.

"No..." I mumbled, kicking off my shoes.

"Why not? Where were you?" she interjected.

"I was at the park," I replied.

I walked around her and towards the couch. I placed my bag where I always keep it. Staying in my current clothing, I grabbed the dull blanket, covering my body.

The blanket was dull and lifeless, nearly as lifeless as me. However, it did give me a sense of comfort. The only time and the only thing that made me feel like way. Other then the park of course.

I closed my eyes, tuning out the bickering of both my parents. The world around me soon became a fuzzy haze as I fell into a state of rest.


Hey look it's an update. So I'm sorry I didn't update this past weekend, I was quite busy with school. I should be able to update again by Monday I hope.

So I tried being more descriptive. Did it work? is this chapter good?

Anyways thank you guys for 400+ reads! That's incredible.




I love all of you guys.

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